#YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence

After the deadly Isla Vista rampage by an alienated young man who used social media to announce his plans to kill, social media struck back — with the hashtag #YesAllWomen .

See on www.latimes.com

An Executive Got Mistaken For Kitchen Help. But Instead Of Getting Angry, She Turned It Into This.


“People shouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin, right? For most of us, that’s Martin Luther King 101. So maybe the solution to racism is to forget race exists. Forget color. But this video might make you think differently. Investment executive Mellody Hobson starts off by talking about an embarrassing moment. She suggests a really compelling thought experiment at 4:16, and at 9:04, she tells us why diversity’s good for business.”

See on www.upworthy.com

Boko Haram


Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad(2002- ), the People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad, is better known by its Hausa nickname, Boko Haram. “Haram” means forbidden, “Boko” means fake – or Western education. Boko Haram wants to overthrow the Nigerian government and set up Muslim rule.”

See on abagond.wordpress.com

Touch your own hair. (yes, still)


“Why am I still talking about this?


This is a picture of me from 2007. I made these t-shirts back then, and you can still buy them here.


The phrase is a sentiment I began to feel much earlier of course, sometime in my early youth when the kids and teachers in my mostly-white school poked and prodded at me from everything from my skin, to my hair, to getting tan, to why my hair didn’t look the same as theirs when it was wet. Curiosities that expressed once or twice can be dismissed as the process of learning and growth of youth, but when expressed daily, continually, become instead the failure of an educational system that allows some children to remain ignorant of those with whom they share their classrooms.


But then it continued, well into my teenage years, adulthood, and now *cough* middle-age—right up to yesterday.


I don’t feel like describing the idiot in the grocery store who got angry at me when I was not flattered by his attention to my hair…because, sure my expectations for “regular” people might be too high. Instead let me tell you that two days ago, I was talking to a black friend in academia whose boss (yes, boss), in front of a group at a work-related event (yes, in-front of everyone) grabbed her hair and commented on it (yep).




Click through for full article.



Community Village‘s insight:


Now I understand why my wife got mad at me when I moved her bangs from her forehead and asked other ladies to comment if she looked better without bangs.





See on us1.campaign-archive2.com

55-year-old Georgia woman killed during visit to Atlanta mall by acquaintance

A 55-year-old Georgia woman was killed on a Monday afternoon trip to a mall in Atlanta by an acquaintance who authorities said killed himself later that day at his suburban home.

See on www.nydailynews.com

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Says What He Thinks About Race and Oppression


When you press play it should jump to around the 1:01:00 mark where Tyson answers a question for about 4 or 5 minutes.



Community Village‘s insight:


Thank you to @TheCharlesiWas for sharing this.

See on www.upworthy.com

What I Learned From Tweeting With A Black Woman’s Avatar For #RaceSwapExp


“3. The level of hateful tweets went from zero to off the charts. With many of these trolls, I would respond once and then block them, or just block them. One such troll, @vincentBrook666, tweeted the following to me in all caps.”



Community Village‘s insight:

See on thoughtcatalog.com

Police say sex offenders wore GPS monitors during killings

Two convicted sex offenders, charged with raping and murdering 4 women in Southern California, wore ankle monitors at the time of the alleged crimes, police say

See on www.cnn.com

The Border Patrol has a big problem with excessive force


“The US Border Patrol has a problem. And the face of that problem is Esteban Manzanares.


Manzanares, a Border Patrol agent, was on duty along the Rio Grande in March when he came across a Honduran woman and two girls who had crossed the river illegally. Instead of apprehending them, he sexually assaulted the woman and her 14-year-old daughter, slashed the mother’s wrists, and tried to break the teenager’s neck. Then he abducted the other daughter and tied her up in his home before returning to finish his shift.”
See on www.vox.com

Gym told me I had to wear more than this

A California woman says she was asked to cover up while working out at her gym because she was intimidating people.


Community Village‘s insight:


How is really harassing who here?

See on www.cnn.com