
SCOTUS decisions, immigration, and #BeckyWithTheBadGrades

SCOTUS decisions, immigration, and #BeckyWithTheBadGrades

The #SCOTUS deadlock on immigration case affects millions of unauthorized immigrants https://t.co/ovOJcdfNJB

— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 23, 2016

Immigration activist Josefina Mora: #SCOTUS DAPA decision "representsthe racism that this country was founded on" pic.twitter.com/pl113hmt4A

— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) June 24, 2016

Today's front page…
TEARS FOR FEARS: SCOTUS immigration ruling puts millions in limbo https://t.co/ahw4R9bqby pic.twitter.com/cLLnOk2RGz

— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) June 24, 2016

SCOTUS decision is a massive blow to mediocre white people coasting on privilege https://t.co/RUDuYnHWHA

— Salon.com (@Salon) June 24, 2016

SCOTUS shuts down the woman who said she got rejected from college because she's white #BeckyWithTheBadGrades https://t.co/2JzkQ6JN6N

— NowThis(@nowthisnews) June 24, 2016

When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. #beckywiththebadgrades

— Brandon For Bernie (@brandon2479) June 24, 2016

I want #scotus ruling to lead to discussion of how white women benefit from "inclusion"intiativesAND white supremacy #beckywiththebadgrades

— OriginalRudeGyal(@Blackamazon) June 23, 2016



Remember Orlando

Remember Orlando

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets

Some activists are calling #JasmineRichards the Black Lives Matter movement’s first “political prisoner.”

Some activists are calling #JasmineRichards the Black Lives Matter movement’s first “political prisoner.”

A group of white males saw #DayshenMcKenzie, began calling him the n-word, brandished a gun and started chasing him to his death.

A group of white males saw #DayshenMcKenzie, began calling him the n-word, brandished a gun and started chasing him to his death.

Respectability won’t save us

Black Lives Still Matter

Black Lives Still Matter

There’s no justice for Freddie Gray in the Edward Nero verdict

There’s no justice for Freddie Gray in the Edward Nero verdict

BREAKING: Officer cleared in #FreddieGray case https://t.co/vkzSxcZjpU

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) May 23, 2016

#FreddieGray was a human being. A human being who deserves compassion.
Who deserves NOT to be dead.

— Benjamin YoungSavage(@benjancewicz) May 23, 2016

#TrollsBeLike "Ifhe didn't run, he'd be alive today"

If officers didn't wantonly kill people, they might not run… #FreddieGray

— Benjamin YoungSavage(@benjancewicz) May 23, 2016

"Theycan do what they want to do and just get away with it."

A man in Baltimore on the #FreddieGray case verdict:https://t.co/URT7ANFxlq

— AJ+ (@ajplus) May 23, 2016

My Latest.

With #FreddieGray, "Grin& Bear It" seems to be the official recommendation of the justice system. https://t.co/2mT5y3sRCZ

— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 23, 2016

There's no justice for Freddie Gray in the Edward Nero verdict | Brittany Packnetthttps://t.co/CHeuJS88Jy

— The Guardian (@guardian) May 23, 2016