Why Black Lives Matter Is Not Going Away

Why Black Lives Matter Is Not Going Away

#KorrynGaines shot and killed by Baltimore police, 5-year-old injured in gunfire

#KorrynGaines shot and killed by Baltimore police, 5-year-old injured in gunfire

Police violence is a public health issue

Police violence is a public health issue

Despite #FreddieGray ‘s death being ruled a homicide, all officer’s will remain free

Despite #FreddieGray ‘s death being ruled a homicide, all officer’s will remain free

All charges dropped against officers in #FreddieGray case https://t.co/2xqFp0WKNw pic.twitter.com/CH5q9bJl0B

— HuffPostBlackVoices(@blackvoices) July 27, 2016

BREAKING: All remaining charges in #FreddieGray cases dropped: https://t.co/eoNuKF7xGf pic.twitter.com/eeYVWecs4j

— The Root (@TheRoot) July 27, 2016

Despite #FreddieGray’s death being ruled a homicide, all officer’s will remain free: https://t.co/FLtsM7Zv5T pic.twitter.com/I1fR43pv98

— EBONY MAGAZINE (@EBONYMag) July 27, 2016

This is awful. Where is the justice. #FreddieGray #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/Mv3rqOJQR9

— kerrywashington(@kerrywashington) July 27, 2016

A system that fails to hold anyone responsible for killing #FreddieGray is unworthy of our support or consent.

— Samuel Sinyangwe(@samswey) July 27, 2016

This #FreddieGray news reminds me of ZoraNeale Huston's quote: "Ifyou're silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."

— JozenC. (@jozenc) July 27, 2016

The system we allow has failed him. Our shame. #FreddieGray pic.twitter.com/04EhTJAf8k

— Ava DuVernay(@AVAETC) July 27, 2016

So no one killed #FreddieGray but he's dead? pic.twitter.com/PYCoLH8eA2

— DavonMagwood(@davonmagwood) July 27, 2016

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby slams the way police handled their investigation into #FreddieGray's death.https://t.co/S2Zs385HjM

— CNN (@CNN) July 27, 2016

Even in professional basketball black women are leading the charge for change in social justice.

Even in professional basketball black women are leading the charge for change in social justice.

Why Did You Shoot Me?

Why Did You Shoot Me?

Meet #CharlesKinsey, an unarmed man with his hands up who still ended up shot by police https://t.co/fzE74yYa1a pic.twitter.com/RWj9YOwhl2

— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) July 21, 2016

He was unarmed. Hands raised. Helping a patient who held a toy truck. And they still shot him. #CharlesKinsey https://t.co/XnmbWdv5t2

— Casey Bruce (@CaptCaseyBruce) July 21, 2016

No criminal record, college educated, unarmed, wearing a polo shirt & jeans, hands up, and they still shot him. #CharlesKinsey

— MikkiKendall (@Karnythia) July 21, 2016

Police killed at least 598 people this year. There's no reliable data on the number of people who survive police shootings. #CharlesKinsey

— Samuel Sinyangwe(@samswey) July 21, 2016

The officer who shot #CharlesKinsey needs to go to prison. Until cops are held accountable, people will not trust them. Period.

— britnidanielle(@BritniDWrites) July 21, 2016

I'm glad #CharlesKinsey is alive.

— JohnettaElzie(@Nettaaaaaaaa) July 21, 2016

America will look back in shame

America will look back in shame

Every other week a young girl of color from the Bronx goes missing

Every other week a young girl of color from the Bronx goes missing

Look what we’re up against in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Look what we’re up against in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

If you ever wanted to see police officers stand against corruption & violence in their own department, here it is

If you ever wanted to see police officers stand against corruption & violence in their own department, here it is