Police Violence – More Questions than Answers

Police Violence – More Questions than Answers

Definition: Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is the prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.

Definition: Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is the prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.

Days After 3 Young Muslim Americans Shot ‘Execution Style,’ Indiana Governor Still Silent

Three Muslim American young men were found dead in Fort Wayne, the victims of multiple “execution style” gun shots at a local hangout spots.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: thinkprogress.org

In 2015, the US Dropped 23,144 Bombs on Muslim Countries, Nearly 1 Bomb For Every Terrorist

Washington, D.C. – In a recent report, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, Micah Zenko, noted that the United States has dropped an estimated 23,144 bombs in the Muslim-majority countries of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015


Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/2015-dropped-23144-bombs-muslim-countries-1-bomb-terrorist/#TWM2ZxcQmQUZMkhq.99

Sourced through Scoop.it from: thefreethoughtproject.com

“If you are silent against oppression, you have become a silent devil.”

#Islamophobia Tweets 12.15

#Islamophobia Tweets 12.15

Threats, harassment, vandalism at mosques reach record – CNN.com

(CNN)Gunshots fired into a mosque in Connecticut. Armed men protesting the “Islamization of America” outside Islamic centers in Texas. Death threats called in to mosques in Florida, Maryland and Virginia.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.cnn.com

#Discrimination #HateCrimes Tweets 11.17

#Discrimination #HateCrimes Tweets 11.17

#Hate Tweets 9.11

#Hate Tweets 9.11