#PoliceBrutality #NoToRacism Tweets 7.9

#PoliceBrutality #NoToRacism Tweets 7.9

People Shot and Killed while holding TOY gun

People shot and killed while holding TOY gun

#TamirRice age 12, Black
#AndyLopez age 13, Latino
#JohnCrawford age 22, Black

People not shot while holding REAL gun

#BryanWolfinger age 25, White

#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30

#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30

@getgln PBSO/Bradshaw promotes deputy who shot, paralyzed unarmed bicyclist http://t.co/UH3KLCAnbF pic.twitter.com/TIGjxxht9g #DontrellStephens

#TamirRice #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.17

#TamirRice #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.17

#PoliceBrutality  #DeathByPolice Tweets 6.15

#PoliceBrutality #DeathByPolice Tweets 6.15

#McKinney #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.9

#McKinney #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.9

Racism in Grade School And Its Damaging Long-Term Effects – DiversityInc

By Kaitlyn D’Onofrio


According to a March 2014 report released by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, more Black students are severely punished at school than white students – despite the fact that more white students are enrolled in schools.

The study reveals that this begins as early as preschool: “Black children represent 18% of preschool enrollment, but 48% of children receiving more than one out-of-school suspension; in comparison, white students represent 43% of preschool enrollment but 26% of preschool children receiving more than one out of school suspension.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.diversityinc.com

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#McKinney #BlackDignityMatters

#McKinney #BlackDignityMatters

#BlackLivesMatter 5.26

#BlackLivesMatter 5.26