I am rocked to my core by this expose.The indifference, deception, corruption & disregard for the law of judges on the Louisiana 5th Circuit court,the complicity of the press & the state Supreme Court, & the too often naked brutality of the legal system… https://t.co/5x1Wqz0pJq
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@SIfill_) November 4, 2023
The tragic scenes unfolding in Palestine and Israel are a chilling reminder of the horrors that occupation creates.
Israel has been poisoning the water supply of Gaza for many years now and toxifying the soil, ensuring that it will soon become uninhabitable. For Palestinians breaking free is literally a question of life and death. They are being poisoned, as Norman Finkelstein says: pic.twitter.com/e0Ud49lyZq
— ☀️👀 (@zei_squirrel) October 8, 2023
The tragic scenes unfolding in Palestine and Israel are a chilling reminder of the horrors that occupation creates.https://t.co/cUYuaXgc3k
— Jacobin (@jacobin) October 9, 2023
Thousands have marched in NYC & will continue to be in solidarity with the heroic Palestinian resistance against Zionist apartheid, occupation & oppression.
— The People’s Forum (@PeoplesForumNYC) October 9, 2023
We reject all US aid to Israel. No more funds for weapons! Now is the time to mobilize until full liberation of Palestine! pic.twitter.com/mgkzZLhu1B
Israel and Gaza are not two countries at war. Gaza is a territory under siege, where every aspect of life is controlled by Israel.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) October 9, 2023
Palestinians didn’t break through a “border” to enter Israel. They destroyed a fence separating them from the homes they were forced out of. pic.twitter.com/Vt6BjbapyX
How do we know humans are responsible for #climatechange? IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report shows that the dominant role of humans in driving recent climate change is clear. This is based on a synthesis of information from multiple lines of evidence.
NEW: The nation’s most comprehensive climate risk tool was released today. It outlines 184 climate-related risks in 70,000 U.S. communities.
— adam mahoney (he/him) (@AdamLMahoney) October 2, 2023
You should plug in your address and see what risks, and gaps, your home is facing.https://t.co/EbpZPGO7OL
‘The rain
— Lindsey Hilsum (@lindseyhilsum) September 15, 2023
Exposes the drenched streets,
the cheating contractor,
and the failed state’. The poet Mustafa al-Trebelsi wrote prophetically before being killed by the dam burst in Derna. Translated by another Libyan poet: @kmattawa https://t.co/PMSsQVAn25
In less time than a movie double-feature, enough water fell in Leominster to wash out roads and train tracks and force evacuations.
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) September 14, 2023
Scientists say the extreme rainfall and flash floods are now expected on the warming planet — and there’s more to come. https://t.co/fvcYSTS4g4 pic.twitter.com/u9GXgOBadB
This is chaos in NYC.
— Rep. Jamaal Bowman Ed.D. (@JamaalBowmanNY) September 29, 2023
Tell me again how the climate crisis is a hoax. 🤔 pic.twitter.com/ZsUKVZa4Ig
NYC 3 months apart. The climate crisis will manifest in hundreds of ways and we need to be ready pic.twitter.com/4cJDmp7C2W
— Xiye Bastida (@xiyebastida) September 29, 2023
Pope Francis has made his strongest statement yet on the accelerating climate crisis, pinning blame on big industries and world leaders as well as “irresponsible” Western lifestyles https://t.co/KilVx6qOFf pic.twitter.com/rj0wUXBP7F
— CNN (@CNN) October 5, 2023
#HappeningNow This is how climate crisis looks like in India now.
— Licypriya Kangujam (@LicypriyaK) October 5, 2023
Cloudburts in Sikkim killed atleast 14 & 104 missing and thousands of people becomes homeless.
Cloudbursts are a common occurrence in Himalayan regions but it becomes frequent due to climate change. pic.twitter.com/rSJQptUe0e
How do we know humans are responsible for #climatechange?
— IPCC (@IPCC_CH) October 5, 2023
IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report shows that the dominant role of humans in driving recent climate change is clear. This is based on a synthesis of information from multiple lines of evidence.
➡️ https://t.co/qy5ZEedhB0 pic.twitter.com/SdyV1HJRZF
A big thank you to @jaketapper for having @LeahRemini and @MikeRinder on your show to discuss how Scientology, through its policies, prevents Scientologists from going to law enforcement when they’ve been the victim of a crime. And thank you for dedicating over 14 minutes to it!
1. Many of you know about Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology’s leader David Miscavige, who has been missing for over 15 years.
— Leah Remini (@LeahRemini) November 10, 2022
Well, I have got a hell of an update for you… pic.twitter.com/dhGcKZmHAB
A big thank you to @jaketapper for having @LeahRemini and @MikeRinder on your show to discuss how Scientology, through its policies, prevents Scientologists from going to law enforcement when they’ve been the victim of a crime.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) September 11, 2023
And thank you for dedicating over 14 minutes to it! pic.twitter.com/sWWybkTnmI
I have some important news to share.
— Leah Remini (@LeahRemini) September 16, 2023
For two decades, Julian Swartz, a top Scientology ethics official has played a pivotal role in covering up crimes of Scientologists. This includes the sex crimes of Danny Masterson.
But Julian’s photo has never been published before. But… pic.twitter.com/H59aNRYEbx
The summer of 2023 was officially confirmed the hottest one on record. According to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization and the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service, this past June, July, and August were the hottest consecutive 3-month period the planet has ever had. August alone broke records — not only was it the hottest August ever recorded, it was also the second hottest month since record-keeping began. July 2023 was the hottest. ‘The northern hemisphere just had a summer of extremes — with repeated heatwaves fueling devastating wildfires, harming health, disrupting daily lives and wreaking a lasting toll on the environment,’ said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas in a statement. ‘In the southern hemisphere Antarctic sea ice extent was literally off the charts, and the global sea surface temperature was once again at a new record. It is worth noting that this is happening BEFORE we see the full warming impact of the El Niño event, which typically plays out in the second year after it develops.’
The summer of 2023 was officially confirmed the hottest one on record.
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 6, 2023
According to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization and the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service, this past June, July, and August were the hottest consecutive 3-month period the planet has ever… pic.twitter.com/2eZMN1pSDQ
‘The rain
— Lindsey Hilsum (@lindseyhilsum) September 15, 2023
Exposes the drenched streets,
the cheating contractor,
and the failed state’. The poet Mustafa al-Trebelsi wrote prophetically before being killed by the dam burst in Derna. Translated by another Libyan poet: @kmattawa https://t.co/PMSsQVAn25
Wondering what actions you can take to tackle the #ClimateCrisis?
— UN Environment Programme (@UNEP) September 18, 2023
🌱Live sustainably
📢Speak up for climate
❗Demand urgent action
Let’s #ActNow and make our voices heard ⤵️
The unaccredited platform, Prager University has raised $200m since 2018 while promoting climate denial and reshaping historical & factual narratives. Is this the future we want? 🤔 #ClimateCrisishttps://t.co/8uMyU8b4vP
— Climate Reality (@ClimateReality) September 18, 2023
Thousands protest in #NYC to protect our #environment from pollution and to stop #FossilFuel use! Also many Japanese marched to protest #NuclearWasteWater dumped by #Fukushima nuclear power plant owned by Petco into the Pacific Ocean. #ClimateCrisis https://t.co/0wKxxWMx7n pic.twitter.com/tqJu8SBikz
— Chris (@XmanNYC71) September 17, 2023
With our lawsuit, CA becomes the largest geographic area & the largest economy to take these giant oil companies to court
— Rob Bonta (@RobBonta) September 17, 2023
From extreme heat to drought, the climate crisis they have caused is undeniable
It’s time they pay for the harm they’ve caused https://t.co/YI2qyhU7IA
In less time than a movie double-feature, enough water fell in Leominster to wash out roads and train tracks and force evacuations.
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) September 14, 2023
Scientists say the extreme rainfall and flash floods are now expected on the warming planet — and there’s more to come. https://t.co/fvcYSTS4g4 pic.twitter.com/u9GXgOBadB
Living conditions in #Syria are dire and continue to deteriorate.
Living conditions in #Syria are dire and continue to deteriorate.
— UN Humanitarian (@UNOCHA) September 4, 2023
Along with security risks, power outages, water scarcity and skyrocketing prices, millions of families lack access to food and other essential commodities.
More in our latest update 👉 https://t.co/ntZZgeEKZz pic.twitter.com/wmHuSaLpvL
Billionaires are the leading cause of climate change.
— الكسندرا ميراي (@LexiAlex) August 19, 2023
“The fires of today are in part due to the climate crisis, a history of colonialism in our islands, and the loss of our right to steward our ‘aina and wai’ [land and water],” said Carmen Lindsey of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.https://t.co/5dWwAXmtNx
— Ibram X. Kendi (@ibramxk) August 17, 2023
A study published in Science Advances Aug 16 found that there have been tens of thousands of ‘excess deaths’ from tropical storms hitting the continental U.S. between 1988 and 2019. A disproportionate amount of those deaths happened in low-income areas and communities of color. pic.twitter.com/1frhDAqzMg
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 17, 2023
2023 is on track to be the hottest year on record, but we still have Republicans claiming the climate crisis is a “hoax.” What planet are they living on? pic.twitter.com/0YftfKNCcU
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) August 24, 2023
The #ClimateCrisis and #AirPollution are threats to human health, driving diseases like cancer, asthma, heart disease, and mosquito-borne diseases like dengue. pic.twitter.com/5StLu2k55L
— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) August 23, 2023
Businesses are now using the “labor shortage” as an excuse to bring back child labor. It’s part of a horrifying trend: Since 2015, child labor violations have risen nearly 300%. Are profits really more important than the safety of children?
Question: should middle schoolers be bartenders? Wisconsin Republicans say yes. pic.twitter.com/2bFadX7lZf
— Nina Turner (@ninaturner) August 1, 2023
Child labor is making a comeback in America. Shameful. https://t.co/wDymgainmG
— Nina Turner (@ninaturner) July 31, 2023
Businesses are now using the “labor shortage” as an excuse to bring back child labor.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) August 9, 2023
It’s part of a horrifying trend: Since 2015, child labor violations have risen nearly 300%.
Are profits really more important than the safety of children? pic.twitter.com/cTjBaCkEzb https://t.co/UnDxlDvPlq
Duvan Tomas Perez, a 16-year-old Guatemalan immigrant, died in a Mississippi poultry plant on July 14. As a minor, his employment at the plant was a violation of federal law. Meanwhile, some GOP state legislators are trying to roll back child labor laws.https://t.co/tPj9JlrUQh
— Ibram X. Kendi (@ibramxk) August 2, 2023
NEWS: Amid record-breaking heat, Republicans are introducing legislation to block any president from declaring a climate emergency. Fossil fuel donors funneled more than $5 million to the bill sponsors — and some of the lawmakers are oil/gas investors.
NEWS: Amid record-breaking heat, Republicans are introducing legislation to block any president from declaring a climate emergency. Fossil fuel donors funneled more than $5 million to the bill sponsors — and some of the lawmakers are oil/gas investors.
🚨NEWS: Amid record-breaking heat, Republicans are introducing legislation to block any president from declaring a climate emergency.
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) July 19, 2023
Fossil fuel donors funneled more than $5 million to the bill sponsors — and some of the lawmakers are oil/gas investors. https://t.co/l5p4GblIS0
The forced acceptance of 1.1 million people dying over 3 years, the U.S. government and media pushing a return to normal without reckoning with systemic failure, is the plan for climate disaster. You will go to work. Your rent will be due. Survival will be your responsibility.
— Dana White (@ItsDanaWhite) May 16, 2023
Climate emergency in #Iraq: “What is happening here is a window into a future that is now coming for other parts of the world – if we continue to fail in our responsibility to take preventive & mitigating action against climate change” – @volker_turk https://t.co/Zw35PR6z55 pic.twitter.com/AHDUGvK8hW
— UN Human Rights (@UNHumanRights) August 9, 2023
“This salt water has destroyed my childhood, school, and life.”
— NBC News (@NBCNews) August 10, 2023
Thousands of Bangladeshi women face reproductive health issues caused by the increasing salt content in the waters in which they live and work. https://t.co/AdaKlvclE0
I’d rather ExxonMobil build up tolerance to lower profits. pic.twitter.com/fGmrHzYe9b
— Jamie Henn (@jamieclimate) July 30, 2023
Texas is installing a “floating wall” across the Rio Grande with netting intended to snag & drown border-crossers. River currents will trap debris in the nets & alter river flows. People & wildlife will drown.
Texas is installing a “floating wall” across the Rio Grande with netting intended to snag & drown border-crossers.
— Laiken Jordahl (@LaikenJordahl) July 11, 2023
River currents will trap debris in the nets & alter river flows. People & wildlife will drown.
This is Gov Abbott’s deadly abomination…pic.twitter.com/EKgC7ReMwQ