“Years ago, the all-white judges of a Louisiana appellate court decided, in secret, to systematically ignore petitions filed by prisoners, most of them Black, who claimed they had been unjustly convicted.” – ProPublica

“Years ago, the all-white judges of a Louisiana appellate court decided, in secret, to systematically ignore petitions filed by prisoners, most of them Black, who claimed they had been unjustly convicted.” – ProPublica


The tragic scenes unfolding in Palestine and Israel are a chilling reminder of the horrors that occupation creates.

The tragic scenes unfolding in Palestine and Israel are a chilling reminder of the horrors that occupation creates.





How do we know humans are responsible for #climatechange? IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report shows that the dominant role of humans in driving recent climate change is clear. This is based on a synthesis of information from multiple lines of evidence.

How do we know humans are responsible for #climatechange? IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report shows that the dominant role of humans in driving recent climate change is clear. This is based on a synthesis of information from multiple lines of evidence.









A big thank you to @jaketapper for having @LeahRemini and @MikeRinder on your show to discuss how Scientology, through its policies, prevents Scientologists from going to law enforcement when they’ve been the victim of a crime. And thank you for dedicating over 14 minutes to it!




The summer of 2023 was officially confirmed the hottest one on record. According to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization and the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service, this past June, July, and August were the hottest consecutive 3-month period the planet has ever had. August alone broke records — not only was it the hottest August ever recorded, it was also the second hottest month since record-keeping began. July 2023 was the hottest. ‘The northern hemisphere just had a summer of extremes — with repeated heatwaves fueling devastating wildfires, harming health, disrupting daily lives and wreaking a lasting toll on the environment,’ said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas in a statement. ‘In the southern hemisphere Antarctic sea ice extent was literally off the charts, and the global sea surface temperature was once again at a new record. It is worth noting that this is happening BEFORE we see the full warming impact of the El Niño event, which typically plays out in the second year after it develops.’

The summer of 2023 was officially confirmed the hottest one on record. According to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization and the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service, this past June, July, and August were the hottest consecutive 3-month period the planet has ever had. August alone broke records — not only was it the hottest August ever recorded, it was also the second hottest month since record-keeping began. July 2023 was the hottest. ‘The northern hemisphere just had a summer of extremes — with repeated heatwaves fueling devastating wildfires, harming health, disrupting daily lives and wreaking a lasting toll on the environment,’ said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas in a statement. ‘In the southern hemisphere Antarctic sea ice extent was literally off the charts, and the global sea surface temperature was once again at a new record. It is worth noting that this is happening BEFORE we see the full warming impact of the El Niño event, which typically plays out in the second year after it develops.’








Living conditions in #Syria are dire and continue to deteriorate.

Living conditions in #Syria are dire and continue to deteriorate.


Billionaires are the leading cause of climate change.

Billionaires are the leading cause of climate change.






Businesses are now using the “labor shortage” as an excuse to bring back child labor. It’s part of a horrifying trend: Since 2015, child labor violations have risen nearly 300%. Are profits really more important than the safety of children?





NEWS: Amid record-breaking heat, Republicans are introducing legislation to block any president from declaring a climate emergency.  Fossil fuel donors funneled more than $5 million to the bill sponsors — and some of the lawmakers are oil/gas investors.

NEWS: Amid record-breaking heat, Republicans are introducing legislation to block any president from declaring a climate emergency. Fossil fuel donors funneled more than $5 million to the bill sponsors — and some of the lawmakers are oil/gas investors.

NEWS: Amid record-breaking heat, Republicans are introducing legislation to block any president from declaring a climate emergency. Fossil fuel donors funneled more than $5 million to the bill sponsors — and some of the lawmakers are oil/gas investors.






Texas is installing a “floating wall” across the Rio Grande with netting intended to snag & drown border-crossers. River currents will trap debris in the nets & alter river flows. People & wildlife will drown.
