Josh Williams is a political prisoner. Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

Josh Williams is a political prisoner. Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

Keeping people in jail before trial increases the rate of guilty pleas, and decreases job prospects

Keeping people in jail before trial increases the rate of guilty pleas, and decreases job prospects

Transgender woman found dead in prison during legal battle with corrections officials

— ThinkProgress(@thinkprogress) August 23, 2016

U.S. To Stop Federal Prison Privatization After Investigation Shows
Contractor Run Facilities Are More Dangerous

— CorpWatch(@CorpWatch) August 20, 2016

#JoyceCurnell dies after being “deprived of water” in Charleston County jail

A 50-year-old woman arrested for failure to pay court fines died in police custody after Charleston, South Carolina, officials failed to provide “reasonable medical care,” lawyers representing her family said this week.


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#JoyceCurnell #SayHerName

“Not only are the policing killing us, but they are exercising state power to terrorize black communities.”

“Not only are the policing killing us, but they are exercising state power to terrorize black communities.”

#PrisonReform Tweets 12.21

#PrisonReform Tweets 12.21

Ex-Rikers Island inmates call for shutdown of infamous prison

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is beginning a campaign to curb violence and prison abuse at Rikers Island, but former inmates want more than just policy reforms: They are calling for the prison to be closed down. Egor Piskunov reports from New York City and speaks with former inmates.

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#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.7

HT @ChuckModi1

Should Be Opening Question of Syllabus in Every White School. #WhiteDenial #WhitePrivilege #WhiteSupremacy

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#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.7

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.7

Brothers McCollum 51, Brown 47, Finally Compensated after 30 years wrongfully incarcerated

Henry McCollum sits stunned as applause rings out in a Robeson County courtroom in Lumberton, N.C. Tuesday, September 2, 2014, after a judge has declared McCollum and his brother Leon Brown innocent of a brutal rape murder for which they have spent 30 years in prison. Behind him is Beverly Lake, Jr., founder of the Innocence Commission, who was vital in the process to free the men. Photo: Chuck Liddy/Raleigh News & Observer/MCT via Getty Images

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The knife pulled half way out kind of justice.

The knife pulled half way out kind of good news.

