Between 1980 and 2014, the number of incarcerated women increased by more than 700%

At this prison, inmates can be left with wrists and ankles cuffed for hours, days and sometimes weeks at a time.

At this prison, inmates can be left with wrists and ankles cuffed for hours, days and sometimes weeks at a time.

Josh Williams is a political prisoner. Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

Josh Williams is a political prisoner. Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

Keeping people in jail before trial increases the rate of guilty pleas, and decreases job prospects

Keeping people in jail before trial increases the rate of guilty pleas, and decreases job prospects

Transgender woman found dead in prison during legal battle with corrections officials

— ThinkProgress(@thinkprogress) August 23, 2016

U.S. To Stop Federal Prison Privatization After Investigation Shows
Contractor Run Facilities Are More Dangerous

— CorpWatch(@CorpWatch) August 20, 2016

Days After 3 Young Muslim Americans Shot ‘Execution Style,’ Indiana Governor Still Silent

Three Muslim American young men were found dead in Fort Wayne, the victims of multiple “execution style” gun shots at a local hangout spots.


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#JoyceCurnell dies after being “deprived of water” in Charleston County jail

A 50-year-old woman arrested for failure to pay court fines died in police custody after Charleston, South Carolina, officials failed to provide “reasonable medical care,” lawyers representing her family said this week.


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#JoyceCurnell #SayHerName

Shocking Dashcam: Cops Walk Up to a Man for “Looking Suspicious” and Kill Him on the Ground

Seattle, WA — Che Taylor, 46, was no stranger to the police. He’s been in and out of jail on numerous occasions. However, none of his crimes ever warranted a death sentence — but on Sunday afternoon, that’s exactly what he got.



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#CheTaylor #SayHisname

On any given day, between 80,000 and 100,000 people are in solitary confinement in the U.S.

AUDIO: Detention Staff Used Martial Arts On 16-Year-Old #GynnyaMcMillen Found Dead In Cell, CPR Denied For 11 Minutes

Staff at the Lincoln Village Juvenile Detention Center used the Aikido restraint on Gynnya McMillen a day before she was found dead.


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