Mentally ill Florida prisoner scalded to death.


“An inmate in Florida’s Miami-Dade County, Darren Rainey, was locked inside a shower and burned to death while other inmates heard him desperately crying out for help. Inspectors have ruled that the death was an accident, but some are questioning whether or not this is just a cover-up.


Apparently this isn’t the first time recently that an inmate has died under highly unusual circumstances in a Miami-Dade County prison. ”


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Apparently the mentally ill in the U.S. are not given help, but instead incarcerated, tortured and killed.


Fighting Against the New Jim Crow


“How mass incarceration affects communities of color.”


“When inner-city schools lack funding for books, when the cutting of federal food stamp programs force single mothers to take on more low-wage jobs and less of their child’s education, when programs like stop-and-frisk disproportionately incarcerate Black men and remove them from the household, it’s time to move past the idea that this is an accident. There is a systemic and long-seated set of economic and social conditions entrapping low-income communities and Black communities in an endless pattern of criminalization, incarceration and poverty. There is a glass ceiling holding down Black and brown youth on the ladder of American opportunity.”



Community Village‘s insight:


For more on this topic check Michelle Alexander‘s book ‘The New Jim Crow

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A Disturbing New Report Shows Exactly Why It’s Time to Fix America’s Terrible Prison System

Our country’s incarceration crisis is worse than we thought.


Community Village‘s insight:


The “Prison System’ is not the root of the problem.


The root of the problem is the indifference we as individuals have toward the poor. The poor are more likely to have issues that lead them to prison.


  • Poverty needs to be eliminated. 
  • Mental health care should be free and accessible. 
  • Drug rehab centers need to to be free and accessible.

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Every Execution in U.S. History in a Single Chart

More than 15,000 people have been put to death


Community Village‘s insight:


See every execution in U.S. History in a single chart


Follow the racism.


Check when Dr. King was alive

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Oklahoma Botches Premeditated Murder

This brutal outcome is precisely the reason why human rights organizations have been demanding for States to be required to disclose their sources for obtaining the execution drugs.


Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to read whole article.

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D.C. Decriminalizes Marijuana, Maintains Public Consumption As A Criminal Offense


“Retired state police captain Leigh Maddox says that decriminalization of  marijuana is a step in the right direction, but that legalization and regulation are needed in order to seriously reduce drug-related violence and allow police to better serve the public.”

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9 Ways You Can Stop Mass Incarceration

  1. Vote against the war on drugs.
  2. Vote for drug treatment – not punishment.
  3. Vote against mandatory minimum sentencing. Mandatory minimum sentencing takes the sentencing power away from the judge.
  4. Spread the word about mass incarceration and The New Jim Crow.
  5. Vote for better public schools – schools for everyone – not charter schools for a few.
  6. Tell everyone that we want to be a land of opportunities, not a land of oppression.
  7. Vote to have drugs controlled by pharmacies and taxed.
  8. Get angry.
  9. Stay angry.

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Racial Disparity – Likelihood of Imprisonment


“More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their thirties, 1 in every 10 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the “war on drugs,” in which two-thirds of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.”

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Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System

Mark Ciavarella Jr, a 61-year old former judge in Pennsylvania, has been sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison for literally selling young juveniles for cash.

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