#MassIncarceration #POTUS Tweets 7.17

#MassIncarceration #POTUS Tweets 7.17

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.10

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.10

#PrisonReform Tweets 7.8

#PrisonReform Tweets 7.8

23 Cents an Hour? The Perfectly Legal Slavery Happening in Modern-Day America

If you thought slavery was outlawed in America, you would be wrong. The 13th amendment to the Constitution states that “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

In plain language, that means slavery in America can still exist for those who are in prison, where you basically lose all of your rights.  (You don’t gain a lot of your rights back when you get out of prison, either, but that is a different story.) So, given the country’s penchant for rapacious capitalism, it may not come as a surprise that there is much of the American prison system that exploits American prisoners much like slaves.

In fact there is large-scale exploitation in American prisons benefiting American corporations and the military-industrial complex. UNICOR, better known as Federal Prison Industries, or FPI, is a government-owned corporation that employs inmates for as little as 23 cents per hour, to provide a wide range of products and services under the guise of a “jobs training program.” In theory, this is supposed to give inmates skills that will prepare them for the workforce upon release.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: prisonreformmovement.wordpress.com

#SocialJustice Tweets 6.29

#SocialJustice Tweets 6.29

#PoliceBrutality #DeadlyForce #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.25

#PoliceBrutality #DeadlyForce #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.25

Three Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies Convicted

In February 2011, Gabriel Carrillo came to the Los Angeles county jail to visit his brother. He had a cell phone, and mouthed off to the deputies when told that it was a misdemeanor offense to bring a cell phone into the visitation room.  Deputy Pantamitr Zunggeemoge arrested Gabriel, and took him into a break room where there is no video.  Zunggeemoge handcuffed Gabriel, and confiscated the cell phone.
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Sourced through Scoop.it from: blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com

#MassIncarceration #NewJimCrow Tweets 6.16

#MassIncarceration #NewJimCrow Tweets 6.16

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.11

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.11