Hillary Clinton backs refugee screening abroad for Central American kids


Hillary Clinton thinks the U.S. should create a refugee screening process for Central American children in their home countries to help prevent more young people from undertaking a dangerous trek north.


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Source: fusion.net


Does Hillary Clinton know that Central American governments are likely to recruit to a drug gang or murder any child who asks for asylum?


Obama to ask for more than $2 billion in emergency funds to stem immigration influx


The Obama administration, in a dramatic escalation of its border-control strategy, will seek
more than $2 billion in emergency funds to help stem an influx of Central American women and children entering the country illegally, as well as new measures to more quickly deport those already here, the White House confirmed Saturday.
President Obama intends to notify Congress of his request on Monday, and the administration will ask lawmakers to modify existing statutes to make it easier to return unaccompanied children to their home countries, an administration official said. The administration’s plans were first reported Saturday by the New York Times.
More than 52,000 unaccompanied children and 39,000 women with children have been apprehended on the border this year, officials said, a large increase over previous years. The surge, mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, has caught the administration off guard and spurred Obama to order a multi-agency response to the crisis.


Source: www.washingtonpost.com


These children are fleeing for their life and now the U.S. is not going to give them asylum but instead send them back into harms way?


GOP base includes racist ‘elements,’ congressman charges


“(CNN) – Over 50 years after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, the issue of race is back in the political headlines, after comments from Attorney General Eric Holder and events marking the anniversary of the law’s passage renewed the dialogue over race relations in the 21st century.”



Community Village‘s insight:


No surprise over this ‘news’.

See on politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com

Watch 15 Magically Awkward Seconds Roll By While A Man Panics After Accidentally Insulting America

An anti-Obamacare guy tries to explain “third-world health care” and accidentally describes America.


Community Village‘s insight:


If you don’t have your health, aren’t you unequal?


Not providing universal health care is – unequal.


See on www.upworthy.com

History Repeats Itself, First As Tragedy, Second As Farce: The GOP Shuts Down The Government

Editorial By: Alan Curtis Montgomery @ World Human Rights Lets just come out and say it without the fake bipartisan mantra that both parties are to blame for the shutdown, the GOP has held our syst…


Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to check the Dr. Cornel West meme

See on worldhumanrights.wordpress.com

Germany’s Refugee Policy Tested By New Arrivals

Germany’s Refugee Policy Tested By New Arrivals : Parallels : NPR. As many as 5,000 Syrian refugees are after Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government agreed to a U.N. request to host them. But they a…


Community Village‘s insight:


It’s easy for the U.S. to highlight how groups in other countries are not welcoming refugees – but have you heard the U.S. news speak about the U.S. welcoming refugees at all lately?


And the first comment on the NPR site is a good reminder to balance the message.



See on worldhumanrights.wordpress.com