Smiley and West – Dr. David Satcher



“Dr. David Satcher, former surgeon general, offers his diagnosis of Obamacare and solutions for fighting youth violence. Plus, Smiley and West reflect on the murder of Renisha McBride, Tim Geithner’s move to Wall Street, and the 2016 chances of possible presidential candidates Paul Ryan and Bernie Sanders.”

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Smiley and West | Dr. Helen Caldicott



“Dr. Helen Caldicott, former president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, prescribes a cure for what ails our polluted planet: a nuclear-free world. Plus, Smiley and West reflect on the tragedy in the Philippines and bullying in the NFL. And, a listener from Tampa, FL takes West to task for what she thinks is his exorbitant speaking fee.”

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Smiley and West | Kumi Naidoo from Greenpeace International



“Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace International, gives us an update on the “Arctic 30″ held in Russia. Plus, Smiley and West reflect on the torture taskforce, terrorist labeling, and Edward Snowden’s denied clemency. And, a listener from Chicago takes Smiley and West to task for calling out the racist elements of the Tea Party.”

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Smiley and West – Peter Gelderloos on The Failure of Nonviolence



“Activist Peter Gelderloos expands on his new book, “The Failure of Nonviolence”. Plus, Smiley and West reflect on the buzz over Barney’s and the $5 billion food stamps cut, and a listener from New Jersey takes them to task for their conversation with “12 Years a Slave” director Steve McQueen.”

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Smiley & West | Garry Shandling, George Clinton, Frank Rich, and Michael Fauntroy

Smiley and West

Smiley and West

“With West away, Smiley dissects the government shutdown with Howard University political science professor Michael Fauntroy.

Plus, in celebration of our 3rd anniversary, highlights from our three original conversations with Garry Shandling, Frank Rich, and George Clinton.

And a listener from Kentucky takes Smiley to task for going too soft on Sen. Rand Paul during their conversation last week.” –PRI

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Smiley & West | Jose “Cha Cha” Jimenez



Jose “Cha Cha” Jimenez shares the oral history of the Young Lords Movement, which he founded 45 years ago this week. Plus, Smiley and West reflect on the mass murder-suicide at Washington’s Navy Yard, and the killing of Jonathan Ferrell.

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Smiley & West | Sen. Rand Paul and Esperanza Spalding



Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) lays out his position on Syria and poverty, while Grammy Award winner Esperanza Spalding tells Smiley and West what it’s like to collaborate with one of her heroes, Wayne Shorter.

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Smiley & West | Wyatt Tee Walker



Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker looks back at his time as the SCLC chief of staff and chief minister at Harlem’s Canaan Baptist Church.

Hot Stuff: Summer Reflections
Smiley and West reflect on the busy summer and preview an autumn of discontent.

Take ‘Em To Task: Cissexism
West is taken to task by a Twitter follower from Toronto for his comments about the courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

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Tavis Smiley on the 50th anniversary celebration of the March on Washington: “It was a great day… but…”

On the heels of Wednesday’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, “Piers Morgan Live” invited Tavis Smiley to offer his perspective on today’s ceremony as well as Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech.


Community Village‘s insight:

I agree with Mr. Smiley. One of my pet peeves is hearing politicians talk about helping the middle class, while as the same time, not mentioning the poor and working class – as if they don’t matter or don’t exist.

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