Sam Dubose

By Abagond


Excerpts from @getgln


Sam Dubose (1971-2015) was an unarmed Black American man who was shot dead by police in Cincinnati, Ohio after a Routine Traffic Stop. At 6.30pm on July 19th 2015


The video shows Tensing repeatedly asking Dubose for his driver’s licence. Dubose is sitting in his car looking for it.

Then Tensing, telling Dubose to take off his safety belt, tries to open the car door! Dubose tries to keep the car door closed and starts his engine.

Tensing reaches into the car and tells him, “Stop!” – and then shoots him in the face (fuzzed out in the video).


In the US in 2015 so far, police have killed over 550 people.

This is only the fourth time anyone has been charged with a crime.

– Abagond, 2015.


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Sam Dubose was the same age as me.

Three Other Black Men Have Died In Altercations With University Of Cincinnati Police

Federal civil court records show that, in addition to Samuel Dubose, three other people have died in altercations with University of Cincinnati police since 1997 — all of them black men.

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America has a pattern of racial bias and a pattern of murdering Black, Latino, and Native American people.

White People | Official Full Documentary | MTV

What does it mean to be white? MTV’s ‘White People’ is a groundbreaking documentary on race that aims to answer that question from the viewpoint of young white people living in America today. The film follows Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and filmmaker, Jose Antonio Vargas, as he travels across the country to get this complicated conversation started. ‘White People’ asks what’s fair when it comes to affirmative action, if colorblindness is a good thing, what privilege really means, and what it’s like to become the “white minority” in your neighborhood. For more information on ‘White People,’ and to join the conversation, head to

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To understand Mixed American Live it helps to understand what it means to be White.




California cheerleaders win right to be paid and treated like regular employees

A new law just signed by Gov. Jerry Brown gives employee rights to professional cheerleaders, including the right to receive at least minimum wage and to be paid for all practices and appearances.

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This took way to long. Shameful history.
Requiring cheerleaders to work without pay? Seriously!? With all the money that sports brings in!? Female indentured servants.#WomensRights

#RicardoZeferino #DeathByPolice #LatinosAreHuman 8 Bullets

#RicardoZeferino #DeathByPolice #LatinosAreHuman 8 Bullets

Stop racist executions!

The Supreme Court has backed the use of an execution drug used in U.S. prisons over the objection of death row inmates. By a vote of 5-4, the court’s five right-wing justices on June 29 gave the stamp of approval to death-penalty states to utilize midazolam during executions. Their ruling in Glossip v. Gross endorses painful deaths and has been widely denounced by progressive forces everywhere.

Four Oklahoma death row prisoners had brought the lawsuit seeking to stop the use of midazolam. One inmate has since been executed. While the drug is supposed to decrease pain during executions, the prisoners say that it does not — and cited three excruciating executions in 2014 that used the drug. Plaintiffs claimed the state’s three-drug protocol violates the Eighth Amendment’s ban on “cruel and unusual punishment.” Absurdly, the high court also ruled that the prisoners had to take responsibility to find an available alternative to this drug.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the main dissent, joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan. In the Glossip v. Gross section of the Supreme Court’s blog, Sotomayor stingingly criticizes the ridiculous “available-alternative requirement.” “Petitioners contend that Oklahoma’s current protocol is a barbarous method of punishment — the chemical equivalent of being burned alive. But under the court’s new rule, it would not matter whether the state intended to use midazolam, or instead have petitioners drawn and quartered, slowly tortured to death or actually burned at the stake.”


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A couple messages from the article:


19 states plus Washington, D.C., have abolished the death penalty.


What kind of government continues to kill prisoners and tortures them in the process?


#TakeDownThatFlag #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.7

#TakeDownThatFlag #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.7