Family Has to Sue After Killer Cop Murders Their Unarmed Son On Video & Got Away With It

Having been completely failed by the justice system, the family of a young man murdered by police has to seek justice through the civil court.

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Democracy Requires Real (and more) Debate: Demand a #BlackLivesMatter Presidential Debate

UPDATE 10/22/15 regarding DNC response to our campaign (Full Statement Linked Below):

It is a given that our network, in collaboration with our allies and supporters, will conduct issue forums and town hall meetings at the local, regional and national levels to help our communities make informed choices in 2016 that help advance our collective interests.

We want a debate supported by the DNC that will speak directly and proactively to the issues impacting black people in this country….

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2 Years Later & the Community is Still United in the Fight for Justice for Andy Lopez!

Protest at Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office & Community Potluck To Celebrate the Life of Andy Lopez On the 2 Year Anniversary of his Killing.

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2 Years & No Justice – Thursday Oct. 22nd Celebrate the Life of Andy Lopez in Santa Rosa

Celebrate the Life of Andy Lopez 

Thursday, Oct. 22nd, 4:00 to 9:00 p.m.


Remember Andy Lopez at a picket line in front of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, at a rosary and at a potluck.


Two years after the killing of Andy Lopez by Deputy Erik Gelhaus, we are still waiting for justice. On the 2nd anniversary of his death, you can honor Andy’s memory in several ways.


At 4:00 p.m. we will be picketing in front of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, 2796 Ventura Ave., Santa Rosa.

Since Andy’s killing there have been many more deaths and continuing violence and torture at the county jail. This is what happens when public officials are allowed to get away with murder.

At 7:00 p.m
. there will be a rosary for Andy at Andy’s Park (Moorland and West Robles). This is a moving and loving tribute to Andy…

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Iowa educator tells mixed-race kids: Blacks are too ‘stupid’ to go to school or live with whites

David Edwards | RAW STORY 15 Oct 2015
Two Iowa parents are calling for an educator at Bailey Park Elementary School in Grinnell to be fired for allegedly making racist comments to mixed-race children.
Geoff Burd choked up as he explained to KCCI that his daughter,
Nikki, came home from school and recalled that the para-educator had said black people and white people should not be a family or go to the same school.
“It’s an unbelievable situation,” Burd said, sounding defeated.  “I work very hard to protect her. I have worked her entire life to protect her.”

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#InternationalPolitics Tweets 10.15

#InternationalPolitics Tweets 10.15