Racial Inequality Is Getting Complicated. Eric Holder Explains How.


“This weekend, on the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board, Attorney General Eric Holder delivered an important speech on race and inequality. He emphasized the persistence and power of social stratification, compared with the superficiality of racist remarks by Cliven Bundyand Donald Sterling. Holder called for an “honest, tough, and vigorous debate,” setting aside simplistic answers and instead speaking “forthrightly about these difficult issues.””

See on www.slate.com

Sheriff’s Deputy in Virginia Shoots 50 Year-old Man in the Back… On His Birthday!


“Without any provocation, a deputy officer of the Isle of Wight, Virginia Sheriff’s Department shot a man in the back with a taser, causing him to lose consciousness and fall abruptly to the pavement…”


Click through for VIDEO

See on ushypocrisy.com

Jonathan Fleming on his wrongful conviction: ‘I never gave up. I had faith’

Fleming spent nearly 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The Guardian spent an afternoon with Fleming as he saw Times Square for the first time in a quarter century


Community Village‘s insight:


How much money are we (U.S. citizens) going to compensate all of these wrongfully convicted people?


How much is 25 years of your life worth?


Why does the U.S. only give $93.00 to the formerly incarcerated once they are released from prison.


People need more than $93.00 to run their life. They need first and last month’s rent at a minimum. They need a job in order to keep their housing and feed themselves.


Not everyone has friends and family to help them. And some of our friends and family can not help or refuse to help.



See on www.theguardian.com

Empty the Prisons, Fuck the Courts!


“It’s not often I use profanity to ‘make a point’. Some would suggest such profanity is even unacceptable in context of a serious discussion. But with respect, what is more profane: the use of expletives or the fact that Black persons are incarcerated at six times the rate of whites? Rephrasing Malcom X, can someone be put on a stove and not be expected to scream? And we hear this scream everyday. The ‘senseless violence’ of America’s ghettoized communities is the scream of the colored body still sitting on that furnace. The collision of social forces, violent antagonisms, and a legacy of oppression exploding forth in a stream of destruction all too real for those who live it everyday.”




  • Social Construction of Justice
  • Illusion of ‘Objectivity’
  • What About the State?
  • Rethinking Justice

See on anti-imperialism.com

Shocking Number Of Innocent People Sentenced To Death, Study Finds


“More than 4 percent of inmates sentenced to death in the United States are probably innocent, according to a study published Monday that sent shock waves across the anti-death penalty community.”



Community Village‘s insight:


The video in this post they never mention the word bias. The judge and jury can both have racial bias, gender bias and other types of bias.


Next question. How many innocent people are incarcerated?

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Killing With Impunity on the U.S.-Mexico Border: The Global Color Line


“As the philosopher Anarchasis observed in the 6th century B.C. in comparing laws to spider webs, laws catch the weak and poor, while the rich and powerful tear them to pieces. Although not always the case, the ancient philosopher has shown himself to be prophetic in both the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and in the area of contemporary international affairs, a profoundly undemocratic arena in which the powerful demand accountability of their weaker enemies, while insulating themselves and their allies from prosecution.”

See on nacla.org

Rubin “Hurricane” Carter – Former Political Prisoner – Dead at 76


““I wouldn’t give up. No matter that they sentenced me to three life terms in prison. I wouldn’t give up. Just because a jury of 12 misinformed people… found me guilty. And because I was not guilty I refused to act like a guilty person.”
– Rubin “Hurricane” Carter”

See on ushypocrisy.com

The Cops Who Killed Ramarley Graham Walk Free (#NOJUSTICE)

Sign the ColorOfChange.Org petition and demand the D.O.J. to take immediate action by seeing to it that NYPD Officer Richard Haste is put away where he can no longer harm unarmed teenagers on the s…

See on ushypocrisy.com