Racial equity results when you cannot predict an outcome by race.
See on www.racemattersinstitute.org
Racial equity results when you cannot predict an outcome by race.
See on www.racemattersinstitute.org
CNN’s Anderson Cooper gets into a heated exchange with Ariz. Republican State Sen. Al Melvin over what is discrimination.
See on www.cnn.com
“The numbers are troubling still in the prestigious Academy Awards. Only three black men have won awards in the Best Leading Actor category from 1958 to 2013, and only one black woman, Halle Berry in 2001 for her role in Monster’s Ball, has ever won the award for Best Leading Actress.
The lack of racial diversity in Hollywood is more evidence of discrimination in employment, which in turn keeps those salaries out of the hands of people of color.
It’s 2014 now and it seems each ethnic group needs to create it’s own industry of careers in order to get full employment. But even then, it’s still the mass media and the big budget blockbusters where the bigger money is, so the discrimination and favoritism is a form of oppression.
Transgender actress and “Orange Is The New Black” breakout star Laverne Cox is currently co-producing an important and compelling new documentary about the life and incarceration of CeCe McDonald.
See on www.huffingtonpost.com
An analysis of Education Department data from the 2011-12 school year found that on average, white and Asian students attend high schools with twice as many Advanced Placement courses and almost twice as many science labs as schools attended by black and Hispanic students.’
See on www.nydailynews.com
“NAFTA, like most free trade agreements, is nothing remotely close to free. This policy singlehandedly destroyed the rural economy in Mexico and the lives of millions of regular working people.”
See on www.racefiles.com
Waitress Dayna Morales says she was stiffed on a $93 bill because the family she served didn’t approve of her lifestyle.
I see. The customer was happy to be served by this woman who they didn’t approve of, but then didn’t want to pay for the service.
See on www.cnn.com
LZ Granderson says if a black man said he shot an unarmed white teenage girl in “self defense” he would be in jail. Black victims don’t get the same justice
See on www.cnn.com
The SPLC filed a federal lawsuit today against the town of Shannon, Miss., its mayor and its aldermen for unjustly denying a business license to a bar catering to the LGBT community.
See on www.splcenter.org
Gay Mormons: Wendy And Tom Montgomery Lead Push To Change LDS Church Stance On Homosexuality.