Some of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dreams have certainly come true. But when it comes to closing the economic gap between black and white Americans, we’ve got a long way to go.
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Some of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dreams have certainly come true. But when it comes to closing the economic gap between black and white Americans, we’ve got a long way to go.
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“NAFTA, like most free trade agreements, is nothing remotely close to free. This policy singlehandedly destroyed the rural economy in Mexico and the lives of millions of regular working people.”
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Document income inequality where you live by taking a photo of a dividing line (real or symbolic) between rich and poor.
Take photo – share story.
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President Obama called it “the defining issue of our time” in his 2012 State of the Union, but he did so without ever uttering the phrase “income inequality.”
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Income inequality isn’t inevitable. As economists have argued, it is the result of bad policies that favor the rich and leave everyone else struggling.
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Dreams can fade quickly for many in Lake Providence, Louisiana, where the level of income inequality is greater than in any county or parish in the U.S.
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“Over the weekend, the Development Committee – a ministerial-level forum of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – unanimously endorsed a new reform strategy to align the staff, finances and priorities of the WBG to meet the twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent of the population in developing countries. The new strategy will go into effect on July 1, 2014.”
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“Tonight, Kamau is joined by “Orange is the New Black” star Laverne Cox to discuss her inspiring work as an actress and activist. Laverne also gives tips to fans who approach her on the streets, and discovers a few things she and Kamau have in common.”
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Just months before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King Jr. was organizing support for the “Poor People’s Campaign,” aimed at supplementing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with a full measure of economic and human rights for America’s poor.
Watch MLK unfurl some important history at 1:22 and take a minute to sit back and wonder what might have happened if he’d been successful.
The U.S. government not only gave extra benefits to European-Americans, but continues to give extra benefits to corporations, while U.S. parents and U.S. schools struggle to provide a competitive education to our children.
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Explore Think Mexican’s photos on Flickr. Think Mexican has uploaded 49 photos to Flickr.
Does it make a difference in the immigration debate if we view those of Mexican heritage as Native American?
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