The Scramble for Africa


“The Scramble for Africa (1876-1914) was when European powers took over most of Africa in the late 1800s. By 1914 all of Africa was under white rule except for Ethiopia and Liberia. White rule in most places lasted till the 1960s.


The European powers that took part:

  • Britain
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Italy
  • Spain

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Can We Recognize?

For so many people of European heritage, the process of decolonization begins with the deep recognition of some powerful understandings. You have ancestors. And those ancestors go back for thousand…

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Why Decolonize?

“Do you know the people you come from?” This is the one question most commonly asked by the world’s Indigenous peoples to people of European heritage.


…decolonization is a powerful process that allows us to:

  • Re-connnect with the places we come from, and the ways of life that shaped our ancestor’s experience and continue to live hidden within ourselves;
  • Reawaken the identity of who we are in a line of people from ancient ancestors to future generations;
  • Restore a sacred way of life through relationships with the animals, plants, and other living relatives who made our lives possible;
  • Become more effective allies in anti-racist action, solidarity work, and resistance struggles of Indigenous people and other people of color;
  • Make healing of historic traumas possible for ourselves, and for Indigenous people who suffer from colonization and genocide.”

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demographically weighted world history


“A demographically weighted world history would cover times and places in proportion to the number of people who lived in them. The idea is that, as much as possible, every person who has ever lived would be equally represented in its pages.


For example, instead of spending 50% to 75% of its pages on the West, like most “world” histories written by Westerners seem to do, it would spend only 25%. The other 75% would be used to cover – the other 75% of the world. Western colonialism would be told from both sides.


“How many people did it affect?” would determine what got covered and what did not.”
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Christopher Columbus: father of modern-day white supremacy (part 2)

Because of the ruthless campaigns carried out by Columbus and his followers, an entire millennia’s worth of pain, misfortune, and suffering was exported from within the confines of Europe’s borders…


Community Village‘s insight:


The section about harrasing the 10 – 12 year olds reminds me of stop-n-frisk.

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Confronting Violence Against Indian Americans


Building Brides is our response to the persistence of violence in our society and against members of our ethnic communities, the most recent instance being that of the killings at the Sikh Gurdwara (temple) in Wisconsin.


The primary objective of this event is to create, promote and render a thought-provoking civil discourse among members of our communities.”



Community Village‘s insight:


This talk was given at San Jose State University, CA


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6 books to decolonize your mind

“In that practice of striving to disrupt oppressive-repressive discourses and decolonize the mind, I’ve decided to post 6 books that changed my life–some of these are banned from being read by high school students in Arizona. I realize many of these are pretty much a no-brainer for those of us who are already attempting decolonial praxis in our daily struggle, but nevertheless I feel deeply indebted to these authors for impacting my life with their radical words, ideas, and their overall activist approach towards writing.”
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