Update 2: New Article in TruthOut About Guest! · Guest: A New Film About The Guestworker Program

Hi all! I recently wrote this article in Truth Out “Is A Safe And Legal Immigration System Possible?” featuring stories and background from Guest. Please give it a read and spread the word, we only have two weeks left to raise what we need to make Guest happen!Thank you, as always, for your support,LVD

Source: www.kickstarter.com


A border activist said “You are either a worker or a guest. You don’t have a guest in your house, then ask them to wash your dishes.”


During enslavement the workers were taken care of, although only like property, and only when not being beaten and raped.


Now that enslavement is over by law, the U.S. doesn’t want agricultural workers to even have citizenship.





Monica Brown on Dehumanizing Language and the Immigration Debate




…Republican Representative Steve King referred to one of First Lady Michelle Obama’s guests as “a deportable.” He tweeted it.


When I heard this description of 21 year old Ana Zamora, a hardworking college student and DREAMer, it felt like a blow to the chest. When President Obama enacted his 2012 executive order on immigration, Ana Zamora wrote him a thank you letter. She said, “I am finally a person in the United States…”
Not according to Representative King. To him, she is deportable.


– Click through for more –


Source: blog.leeandlow.com

Judge awards half-million dollars to man shot by US border patrol agent


Border Patrol agents, an FBI investigator and rescue personnel from the Rio Rico Fire District gather along State Route 289 west of Nogales on Nov. 16, 2010, after Border Patrol Agent Abel Canales shot Jesus Castro Romo of Mexico in a nearby canyon area.


U.S. Judge James A. Soto has found that a former Border Patrol agent was not justified when he shot and seriously wounded an undocumented border-crosser west of Nogales in 2010, and awarded the victim nearly $500,000 in damages.
Source: www.nogalesinternational.com




Checkpoint Refusal Gone Horribly Wrong: Man Detained for 19 Days for Flexing His Rights [VIDEO]


You’ve probably seen them before: internal border checkpoint refusals, now a popular YouTube genre. Some are funny. Others are hostile. But for Greg Rosenberg, a naturalized U.S. citizen who speaks accented English, an encounter with South Texas border patrol resulted in weeks of jail time without a single charge being prosecuted.


– Click through for [VIDEO] –


Source: thefreethoughtproject.com

CNN calls dead refugee ‘illegal’

CNN has no heart.

This person who died while fleeing or (im)migrating, CNN calls him ‘illegal’.

  1. No human is illegal
  2. Is the action of fleeing as a refugee an illegal act? No.
  3. When Black or Latino people flee as refugees they are called ‘illegal
  4. When White people flee as refugees they are called pilgrims, settlers or immigrants.


Photo from CNN 2014: The year in pictures

Judge: Border Patrol caught human traffickers too far from Mexican border

Two border agents who stopped a Chevrolet Suburban they thought looked suspiciously heavy were well intentioned but overly zealous, a federal judge has ruled.

U.S. District Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo in Corpus Christi on Thursday granted a defendant’s motion to suppress evidence, stating that the agents in question lacked “reasonable suspicion to believe that criminal activity was afoot.”

Source: www.chron.com

Mexicans Shot on Own Soil by Border Patrol Given Hope in Legal Quest for Justice


Over the last four years, a half dozen Mexican families have suffered the loss of one of their family members as a result of Border Patrol shootings. All of the fatalities were of unarmed men, were Mexican and in Mexican territory. The Supreme Court will likely decide the fate of legal efforts to hold the CBP legally accountable for these killings.


– Click through to read more –


Source: www.telesurtv.net

A filmmaker’s journey along the US-Mexico border

At a time when the border between the US and Mexico is a lightning rod for public opinion, Rodrigo Reyes’ film “Purgatorio” offers an on-the-ground view of people from both sides of the fence.

Source: www.pri.org