Diane Guerrero at 14 yrs old came home to an empty apartment. ICE had taken her parents https://t.co/ch73R6gUHB #np #FightForFamilies
— RI4A (@RI4A) April 28, 2016
US government deporting Central American migrants to their deaths
Guardian investigation into consequences of Obama’s migration crackdown reveals US deportees have been murdered shortly after return to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, with study saying as many as 83 killed since 2014
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.theguardian.com
#ImmigrationReform Tweets 10.14
What happens to a child after a parent is deported? http://t.co/ig633kWUtv via @nationaljournal
— FWD.us (@FWD_us) September 23, 2015
New Report Depicts Ongoing Abuses by Border Patrol http://t.co/JwRAESPfGZ
— Prerna P. Lal, Esq. (@prernaplal) September 29, 2015
Monica Brown on Dehumanizing Language and the Immigration Debate
…Republican Representative Steve King referred to one of First Lady Michelle Obama’s guests as “a deportable.” He tweeted it.
When I heard this description of 21 year old Ana Zamora, a hardworking college student and DREAMer, it felt like a blow to the chest. When President Obama enacted his 2012 executive order on immigration, Ana Zamora wrote him a thank you letter. She said, “I am finally a person in the United States…”
Not according to Representative King. To him, she is a deportable.
– Click through for more –
Source: blog.leeandlow.com
Destructive Delay, written by Tania Unzueta and co-authored by B. Loewe, illuminates the inhumane interior Immigration and Customs Enforcement practices that continue unabated while the President postpones action and it highlights the human cost of the delay. The key findings shed light on an agency driven by one calculated mission, to meet a draconian deportation quota, regardless of the costs to public safety, institutional integrity, moral or constitutional considerations.
Through almost three dozen interviews with front-line organizers, legal experts, and people in deportation proceedings, Destructive Delay collects previously disparate and disconnected stories of the lived experience of ICE enforcement activity into a single document. The report provides real-life context for the rhetoric of the debate and gives an inside look into how immigration policy is actually working on the ground.
Source: www.notonemoredeportation.com
Obama Sent ICE to Their Doorsteps So They Are Coming To His
“This week immigrant and LGBT civil rights leaders from the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance (CIYJA) sat down in the Democratic congressional offices of Rep. Xavier Becerra and Rep. Loretta Sanchez, demanding their leadership to stop the deportations. The action was in solidarity with the hunger-strike at the White House to call on the President to stop deportations, which started Tuesday.”
See on www.racefiles.com