Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome – Joy DeGruy


As a result of twelve years of quantitative and qualitative research Dr. DeGruy has developed her theory of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, and published her findings in the book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome – America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing”. The book addresses the residual impacts of generations of slavery and opens up the discussion of how the black community can use the strengths we have gained in the past to heal in the present.

P.T.S.S. is a theory that explains the etiology of many of the adaptive survival behaviors in African American communities throughout the United States and the Diaspora. It is a condition that exists as a consequence of multigenerational oppression of Africans and their descendants resulting from centuries of chattel slavery. A form of slavery which was predicated on the belief that African Americans were inherently/genetically inferior to whites. This was then followed by institutionalized racism which continues to perpetuate injury.

Thus, resulting in M.A.P.:

  • M: Multigenerational trauma together with continued oppression;
  • A: Absence of opportunity to heal or access the benefits available in the society; leads to
  • P: Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.


U.S. History from a Reparations Perspective


Stubborn as a Mule 

This is a MUST SEE internationally award winning film that depicts and explores facts of history that are not whole known or taught in any educational system. It is an eye-open look at the concept that makes the case for why reparations should be open for discussion and the necessity for it to be addressed. -John Wills




Did You Know: US Gov’t Paid Reparations…To Slave Owners


Originally posted on News One:


Since writer and cultural critic Ta-Nehisi Coates made his compelling “Case For Reparations” in The Atlantic, it has been a hot-button topic and the questions have come fast and furious.
What is reparations? What should it look like? How has slavery and subsequent systems of oppression had a continuing impact on Black Americans?

Will the United States ever pay reparations for its role in what amounts to domestic terrorism against African Americans?

The truth is: The government has already paid reparations — to slave owners.

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Walker’s “Appeal”



“Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in particular, and very expressly, to those of the United States of America”(1829) by David Walker, a free Black American, was a forceful condemnation of slavery and racism. In America it was a guiding light for Blacks. It radicalized Whites. It was banned in the South.”



Community Village‘s insight:


I grew up going to majority White churches.


I never heard a mumbling word about racism or oppression.



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“It was kind of like slavery”


“Backbreaking labor, vicious beatings, unmarked graves, childhoods lost—five men return to the scene of their nightmares.


Dozier was unforgiving whatever your skin color. But the white kids were given vocational work while the blacks did grunt labor. (The school profited from both.) “It was brutal work,” Huntly says. “We were out there in the cold cutting cane and planting peas and pulling corn. I was admitted to the third grade when I was there, and I spent two years and about four months there, and the day I left I was still in the third grade. So that’s the kind of education I got.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Archaeologists have found 55 burials – 24 more than previously documented.

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Harriet Tubman: A Great Liberator and A Great Woman

Harriet Tubman: A Great Liberator and A Great Woman Harriet Tubman quotes, a glimpse of her story: I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductor…

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Solomon Northup

Solomon Northup (1808-1857?) was an American farmer, carpenter and canal worker from New York state. He was kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841 – not an uncommon thing for free blacks in those …


Community Village‘s insight:


Between this history made real on the big screen, and racist laws explained in crystal clarity in Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow – the U.S. has serious soul searching to do – especially European Americans (aka whites).



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15 Black Uprisings Against European and Arab Oppression They Won’t Teach in Schools

‪Nat Turner’s Revolution‬ Nat Turner’s rebellion, also called the Southampton Insurrection, is probably the most famous slave uprising in North America.

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