Christopher Columbus: father of modern-day white supremacy (part 2)

Because of the ruthless campaigns carried out by Columbus and his followers, an entire millennia’s worth of pain, misfortune, and suffering was exported from within the confines of Europe’s borders…


Community Village‘s insight:


The section about harrasing the 10 – 12 year olds reminds me of stop-n-frisk.

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ethnic contributions


“Other cultures are valued only to the degree that they help white people. They do not have value in their own right.”



Community Village‘s insight:

And how often do we hear about the bad inventions of Europeans? The inventions that kill more people faster.

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Giving Grassroots Leaders a Voice – Ford Pt2


“Glen Ford, Exec. Editor of Black Agenda Report, talks about helping create black radio news. He says that news media creates leaders by deciding what events are important and who is authorized to speak on the importance of those events –   October 24, 2013″

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Growing Up Black in American Apartheid – Ford Pt1


“On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report, tells his story as a red-diaper baby, growing up facing racism in the North living with his white activist mother, and living in the Deep South with his black deejay father –   October 24, 2013″



Community Village‘s insight:


All power to the people.



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Christopher Columbus: father of modern-day white supremacy (part 1)

“The popular mythology that has surrounded Christopher Columbus for the last five centuries, the exaltation of him as “discoverer” of the Americas a.k.a. the ‘New World’, was still being taught as part of elementary school curriculum and touted as historical fact in classrooms all across America as late as the dawn of the dawn of the 21st century, decades after many scholars had begun unmasking this lie.”
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Mount Rushmore


Mount Rushmore (1745m) is a mountain sacred to the Sioux called Six Grandfathers. Whites desecrated it with the faces of four white men carved into its side in the early 1900s.”


Community Village‘s insight:


Another kickazz post by Abagond.

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15 Black Uprisings Against European and Arab Oppression They Won’t Teach in Schools

‪Nat Turner’s Revolution‬ Nat Turner’s rebellion, also called the Southampton Insurrection, is probably the most famous slave uprising in North America.

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History Repeats Itself, First As Tragedy, Second As Farce: The GOP Shuts Down The Government

Editorial By: Alan Curtis Montgomery @ World Human Rights Lets just come out and say it without the fake bipartisan mantra that both parties are to blame for the shutdown, the GOP has held our syst…


Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to check the Dr. Cornel West meme

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