+600,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar’s death squads since August, “the fastest displacement of a people since the Rwanda genocide.”





Genocide, the British don’t want you to know about – They systematically starved to death over 60 millions of Eastern Indians!

Comment by: Eimhin


All the while the railways, as in India, and the canals were busy with the armed and guarded traffic of food and other forms of our wealth in pursuit of that ‘freedom’ bestowed by ‘the market’.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: fbreporter.org

The ‘invisible’ hand of ‘the market’.

The ‘invisible’ hand of ‘capitalism’.


It’s visible now!

▶ Elementary Genocide 2


“Rahiem Shabazz continues the conscience-raising dialogue generated by his acclaimed documentary Elementary Genocide: The School To Prison Pipeline with his equally hard-hitting Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration. Featuring interviews with noted educator and Black psychologist Dr. Umar Johnson, Chief Juvenile Court Judge Steven C. Teske, fearless former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, former political prisoner and Black Liberation Army co-founder Dhoruba bin Wahad, popular social commentator Dr. Boyce Watkins, award-winning education reformer Dr. Steve Perry and more, The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration uncovers the true purpose of today’s educational system and how it’s failing the African child. Going beyond the school-to-prison pipeline headlines and conspiracy theories, The Board of Education Vs. The Board of Incarceration proves that something sinister is afloat by digging deep to explore its origin, its existence and how to plot its destruction to save every Black child.”


Source: www.youtube.com

Samantha Power


Samantha Power (1970- ) has been the US ambassador to the United Nations since 2013, succeeding Susan Rice. She has long been a top adviser to Barack Obama on foreign policy. She won a Pulitzer Prize for her book “A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide” (2002). She was a professor at Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights.


– Click through for more –


Source: abagond.wordpress.com


Interesting article on the complexities of mixing real world politics and self interest with real world human rights.


Reminds me of Dr. MLK’s quote of each of us having both good and bad qualities.


Wiyot People of California


Joe McGinnis (Wiyot from the Bear Creek branch), Nicole McGinnis (Hupa Tribe), and their daughter, Tea

Joe McGinnis (Wiyot from the Bear Creek branch), Nicole McGinnis (Hupa Tribe), and their daughter, Tea

Population Numbers and Declines

Year    Population or Change
1770   1,000 to 3,300

1858    State militia unit (Trinity Rangers) killed Northern California Natives rampantly for 5 months and were mustered out of service. –North Coast Journal

1860    Twelve massacres over 2 to 5 days by lynch mob of European settlers –North Coast Journal

2004  477


1860 Wiyot Indian Massacre

1860 Wiyot Indian Massacre

Indian Island, Humboldt Bay, California

Indian Island, Humboldt Bay, California

In the early hours of Feb 26 1860 the Whites began their 2 day massacre (up to 5 days by other accounts) on at least 12 CA Indian sites. Dulawat village on Indian Island, on the lower Eel River, at least two locations on the South Spit, at Table Bluff, in the Fortuna area, in the Rio Dell area, at Humboldt Point, several ranches on Elk River, and the village of Kutserwalik at Bucksport.

Cousins Matilda and Nancy Spear gathered up their three children at the start of the massacre and hid with them on the west side of the island. Afterwards, they found seven other children left alive. They put the entire group in a canoe, rowed them across the bay, and then walked to Matilda’s husband’s homestead in Freshwater.75 Nancy later described the massacre to her nephew: “They came like weasels in the night, crawling on their bellies. We were without any men to protect us. We had never fought the white men and had thought they were our friends.”
– (The Matilda & Nancy Spear Memorial Foundation. Brochure. Photocopy in the “Indian Island Massacre” file, Humboldt County Collection, Humboldt State University Library, Arcata.)



The Wiyot people have recently had 40 acres of Indian Island returned to them.  –North Coast Journal 2004

No Thanks to Thanksgiving


By Robert Jensen, AlterNet


“One indication of moral progress in the United States would be the replacement of Thanksgiving Day and its self-indulgent family feasting with a National Day of Atonement accompanied by a self-reflective collective fasting.


In fact, indigenous people have offered such a model; since 1970 they have marked the fourth Thursday of November as a Day of Mourning in a spiritual/political ceremony on Coles Hill overlooking Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, one of the early sites of the European invasion of the Americas.”


See on unsettlingamerica.wordpress.com



By S. Brian Willson


“Let us recognize that accounts of the first Thanksgiving are mythological, and that the holiday is actually a grotesque celebration of our arrogant ethnocentrism built on genocide.”


After serving in the Vietnam War, S. Brian Willson became a radical, nonviolent peace activist and pacifist.



Community Village‘s insight:


This post has a number of drawings I hadn’t seen before and it covers the history of brutal U.S. oppression from the U.S. East coast, to West coast, then all the way to the Philippines.


I never knew about the “kill every one over ten” by General Jacob H. Smith in 1901.



See on www.popularresistance.org

Happy National Genocide (Thanksgiving) Day!



“People always tell me to forget the past. I should just let it go and move on. Why do people of color always have to forget?! Would you tell a Jewish person to forget about the holocaust and just move on?! Would you tell the family of those who lost their lives on 9/11 to just forget about it?! So why are our tragedies forgettable and others are not?! I WILL NEVER forget! I will ALWAYS honor those who lost their lives unjustifiable.”


See on www.huffingtonpost.com

a complex and savage tale

IMAGE YOU WERE RELATED to one of the most notorious Indian killers in American history. Now, imagine you were also related to some of those Indians. You can now begin to understand the traumatic ba…


Community Village‘s insight:


Happy Thanks-Taking.

See on justinpetrone.wordpress.com