The North Dakota Neo-Nazi Take-Over HAS ALREADY HAPPENED (No, the bad plumbing didn’t stop them)

“Their plan and their vision is a long-term one, and we who oppose them have to have a long-term vision and strategy against them as well. If we delude ourselves into thinking that one protest, one article we forwarded on social media is the end of this fight, then Cobb’s crew of white supremacists have already won. If you don’t want to see that happen, then SPREAD THE WORD and let’s KEEP THE PRESSURE ON. They are hoping that after our single victory over them, just over a week ago, that we back off and get lulled into complacency.”


Community Village‘s insight:


What the article fails to mention is that even if these white supreamicists are ran out of that town – they will just go somewhere else and blend in.


White racism is all round and segregated cities are all over the U.S.


The U.S. should consider a “War against hate” instead of their failed “War on drugs.”



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Neo-Nazis Trying to Take Over North Dakota Town Sent Running by Native American and Anti-Fascist Activists

“In an update to the story we ran yesterday on the town of Leith, North Dakota being taken over by Neo-Nazi racists, Michael Pugliese tells us from the ground that “Lakota, Dakota, Anishinabe, Apache, African, Irish, German, Norwegian, Spanish, and other anti-racist individuals stood together to fight against the attempted nazi takeover of Leith, North Dakota.”


Community Village‘s insight:


And here is a CNN interview of a family in the town.


and this irony:
“Dakota” is a word that means “ally” and is likely derived from the Oceti Ŝakowiŋ (the Seven Council Fires) – or main political units – of the Dakota people (sometimes referred to as the Sioux)” –The Dakota People

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The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

On Sunday September 15th 1963 the Ku Klux Klan bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four girls: Addie Mae Collins, age 14 (1949-1963) Cynthia Wesley, age 14 (1949-1…


Community Village‘s insight:


There is an excellent Spike Lee documentary called “4 Little Girls” filled with many heart wrenching scenes and interviews of the parents, family and friends.


One of the most heart-rending and poignant scenes is when the father of one of the murdered girls shows the cinematographer an absolutely perfect photo he took of his beautiful happy daughter hugging a white doll as close as she can to her head as her and the doll pose for the camera.


The beautiful innocence of childhood contrasted alongside the hate and violence of racist adults is emotionally overwhelming. Viewing a happy photo from a grieving parent made me sad and sick to my stomach at the absurdity of the hate and violence in this world.


It’s not enough to say that one man or four men were sociopathic killers. The whole U.S. culture allows those sick and twisted people to be members of our society virtually unchecked.



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Spike Lee w/ Bobby Rivers: “4 Little Girls”

“On WNYW’s morning news show, Bobby Rivers interviewed filmmaker Spike Lee for the release of his first documentary, “4 Little Girls.” Lee’s 1997 feature covers a racial hate crime in September 1963 that made international headlines.


Four children were killed in an Alabama church bombing two weeks after Dr. Martin Luther King’s historic March on Washington.”


Community Village‘s insight:


I just saw this superbly made documentary on HBO Go.

HBO Go is available through Apple TV if you have an HBO subscription.

It will be availalbe through HBO Go through 9-30-2013


It’s also available through NetFlix.


It may also be at your library on DVD.



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