Justice for Jonathan Mitchell


“In Albuquerque, NM, on a dark night in a quiet neighborhood, 23 year-old Iraq War Veteran Jonathan Mitchell was shot and killed in March 2013.  He was killed by Donnie Pearson.  Pearson has not been arrested due to a claim of self-defense.

There is a petition on change.org for the arrest of Donnie Pearson.  Click here to sign.”

See on blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com

Moms team up to repeal “Stand Your Ground” law

Jordan Davis’ mom, Lucia MacBath, has teamed up with the parents of Trayvon Martin to repeal the Stand Your Ground law.


Community Village‘s insight:


“Stand Your Ground” is “Kill at Will” – a sick twist in U.S. law to allow lynching by gun.

See on www.youtube.com

Stand Your Ground!!!


“History has proven there is only one way to get the attention of unmovable ideologies to achieve change. Matching and protests are strategies, which is nothing more than a good show for the cameras. For example, the March on Washington and the Million Man March produced little in terms of measurable results. On the other hand, BOYCOTT’s work – the Birmingham Bus Boycott and the Martin Luther King Holiday Boycott on the state of Arizona – WORKED! It is time to stop BS-ing and BOYCOTT FLORIDA and everything connected to it. We will then get change. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…”



Community Village‘s insight:


Stand your ground against Stand Your Ground.

See on thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com

Illinois’ New Conceal Carry Law-What Now?

Illinois is the last state to legislate conceal carry.  Appropriately interpreted by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, I call it the Citizens’ Militia gun rights act. Illinois Governor…

See on blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com

Black Lives Matter

“To be Black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage” -James Baldwin (by DesiBjorn)


Community Village‘s insight:


Black Lives Matter

See on theangriestblackmaninamerica.wordpress.com

Jordan Davis Family Prepares For Michael Dunn Trial

CNN interview with Lucia Mcbath, the mother of 17-year-old Jordan Davis, gunned down as he sat in a friend’s SUV in November, 2012.

See on endstandyourground.wordpress.com

Country Singer Wayne Mills Shot From Behind, Bar Owner Claims Self-Defense


“After coming from a George Jones Tribute concert on a Friday night in Nashville last year, ‘outlaw country’ music performer Wayne Mills headed over to the Pit & Barrel, a popular downtown Nashville music spot run by his friend Chris Ferrell, who shot him in the back of the head, and is claiming self-defense.”

See on endstandyourground.wordpress.com

▶ ‘Popcorn Killer’ Uses Stand Your Ground To Justify Theater Slaying


“The sheriff who’s investigating the fatal shooting of a moviegoer this week in Florida said the state’s “stand your ground” defense doesn’t apply in this case, but an attorney said it likely does.

“What most people don’t understand is, the law is not concerned with what started your argument; the law is not concerned about how petty it is,” attorney Stephen Romine told First Coast News. “The law is concerned about the acts between two people — the person who died and the person who did the shooting.”

Retired police captain Curtis Reeves was charged with second-degree murder after he shot 43-year-old Chad Oulson to death Monday afternoon because he refused to stop sending a text message to his 2-year-old daughter’s day care provider.

Reeves told investigators that he feared for his safety when he was struck in the face with an object that investigators determined was popcorn, but his attorney suggested may have been a more dangerous object.”* John Iadarola (TYT University), Ben Mankiewicz (Turner Classic Movies) and Gina Grad (The Gina Grad Show) break it down.

*Read more here from Travis Gettys / Raw Story:


Community Village‘s insight:


“The one guest says “punch him” and he’d be out by now”

See on www.youtube.com

Stand your ground database Florida

The Trayvon Martin case has brought scrutiny to Florida’s stand your ground law. The Tampa Bay Times finds the self defense law has been invoked more than 200 times since 2005.


Community Village‘s insight:


Here’s a database of over 236 cases of Stand Your Ground in Florida.

See on www.tampabay.com