#RicardoZeferino #DeathByPolice #LatinosAreHuman 8 Bullets

#RicardoZeferino #DeathByPolice #LatinosAreHuman 8 Bullets

#DonaldTrump #DumpTrump Tweets 7.14

#DonaldTrump #DumpTrump Tweets 7.14

#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30

#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30

@getgln PBSO/Bradshaw promotes deputy who shot, paralyzed unarmed bicyclist http://t.co/UH3KLCAnbF pic.twitter.com/TIGjxxht9g #DontrellStephens

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Border Patrol Discrimination in Southern NM

In our country we take for granted that we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. But in communities that span 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border,

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.aclu-nm.org

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Muslim chaplain claims discrimination on United flight

(CNN) A simple request for an unopened can of Diet Coke on a United Airlines flight left Tahera Ahmad in tears.

A Muslim chaplain and director of interfaith engagement at Northwestern University, Ahmad, 31, was traveling Friday from Chicago to Washington for a conference promoting dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian youth. She was wearing a headscarf, or hijab.

For hygienic reasons, she asked for an unopened can of soda, she said. The flight attendant told her that she could not give her one but then handed an unopened can of beer to a man seated nearby. Ahmad questioned the flight attendant.

“We are unauthorized to give unopened cans to people because they may use it as a weapon on the plane,” she recalled the flight attendant telling her.

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Source: www.cnn.com

#BlackLivesMatter #FreddieGray #RekiaBoyd Powerful Tweets

If we can't get it #shutitdown. #March2Justice on the streets of Washington, DC. #WhyWeMarch

A video posted by Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) on