#RicardoZeferino #DeathByPolice #LatinosAreHuman 8 Bullets
Welcome to the USA. The only country on earth where you’ll get shot 8 TIMES by police for taking a hat off your head. #RicardoZeferino
— M. G. Kaleem (@mgkaleem) July 15, 2015
This was cold blooded murder by cop. #RicardoZeferino was shot like target practice. Then the pigs fought tooth and nail to hide the truth.
— Viva la causa! (@70torinoman) July 15, 2015
When removing your hat gets poc shot to death, then you understand why we run. Running for our fucking lives! #RicardoZeferino
— Viva la causa! (@70torinoman) July 15, 2015
Breaking: Newly Released Dash-cam Videos Show Officers Killing Unarmed #RicardoZeferino – http://t.co/3Dz1WMpcY8 pic.twitter.com/BeZykUhjiN
— Revolution News (@NewsRevo) July 15, 2015
#DonaldTrump #DumpTrump Tweets 7.14
Trump's Phoenix visit to highlight his racist views on Mexican immigration http://t.co/zI0sdCaO7m via @YahooNews
— Viva la causa! (@70torinoman) July 11, 2015
This is how Trump and media demonize Latin immigrants. Use a tragic murder to criminalize all Latin immigrants. pic.twitter.com/CAb0RQDRq3
— Viva la causa! (@70torinoman) July 11, 2015
The fact immigrants are less likely to be criminals than native-born Americans is being lost in a political frenzy http://t.co/OCGpsTRwqm
— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) July 13, 2015
#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30
No broadcaster, now no hosts. Cheryl Burke and Thomas Roberts withdraw from Miss USA pageant. http://t.co/m38BaP4yOr pic.twitter.com/Z7suDf6Chu
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 30, 2015
— Team Justice (@Justice4Darrin) June 30, 2015
Obama’s migrant detention centers are cruel repeat of WWII Japanese American internment camps http://t.co/tGiuQGDhl8 pic.twitter.com/qk1LpgQDyN
— Think Mexican (@ThinkMexican) June 30, 2015
In Case You Missed It: Manuel Díaz’s Mother Says Calling for Peace Was a Mistake https://t.co/AgI9v0FNnu #Anaheim
— Think Mexican (@ThinkMexican) June 30, 2015
24~Days Now & My Brother is still in jail. #JusticeforJoseVelasco #SalinasPD #SalinasPolice #831Justice @BarackObama pic.twitter.com/3lqgMF2YpC
— Antoinette Ramirez (@CaliLuv_831) June 30, 2015
@getgln PBSO/Bradshaw promotes deputy who shot, paralyzed unarmed bicyclist http://t.co/UH3KLCAnbF pic.twitter.com/TIGjxxht9g #DontrellStephens
Abercrombie Agrees To Pay for Immigration-Related Discrimination
Plus two years of federal monitoring
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Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.diversityinc.com
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Border Patrol Discrimination in Southern NM
In our country we take for granted that we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. But in communities that span 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border,
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.aclu-nm.org
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Muslim chaplain claims discrimination on United flight
(CNN) A simple request for an unopened can of Diet Coke on a United Airlines flight left Tahera Ahmad in tears.
A Muslim chaplain and director of interfaith engagement at Northwestern University, Ahmad, 31, was traveling Friday from Chicago to Washington for a conference promoting dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian youth. She was wearing a headscarf, or hijab.
For hygienic reasons, she asked for an unopened can of soda, she said. The flight attendant told her that she could not give her one but then handed an unopened can of beer to a man seated nearby. Ahmad questioned the flight attendant.
“We are unauthorized to give unopened cans to people because they may use it as a weapon on the plane,” she recalled the flight attendant telling her.
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Source: www.cnn.com
#BlackLivesMatter #FreddieGray #RekiaBoyd Powerful Tweets
4/22. Man shot and killed by police at Wal-Mart in Portsmouth, VA http://t.co/f0TStrjLrV
— deray mckesson (@deray) April 22, 2015
Crowd of protesters grows in Baltimore, demanding justice for Freddie Gray, who died in police custody –@cbsbaltimore pic.twitter.com/NsQB7Uc2NC
— NewsBreaker (@NewsBreaker) April 21, 2015
Today's migrants & yesterdays slaves, the Med replacing the Atlantic as graveyard of the sea http://t.co/ItifRP0RG5 pic.twitter.com/AJrh7Aquss
— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) April 21, 2015
Freddie Gray is the latest symbol in the national debate over police treatment of black men http://t.co/lxQIcUQXH2 pic.twitter.com/eZPDe1ttec
— The New York Times (@nytimes) April 22, 2015
Lawsuit: Wells Fargo fired blacks over old convictions ………………………………. http://t.co/8rIMCp0qoQ
— DcSlumdog (@DcSlumdog) April 22, 2015
If we can't get it #shutitdown. #March2Justice on the streets of Washington, DC. #WhyWeMarch https://t.co/D77j2yShzw
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) April 22, 2015
Number of people in prison for drug offenses:
1980: 40,000
2011: 500,000+
http://t.co/2g1hOq3ELH via @HuffingtonPost #WaronDrugs
— Sentencing Project (@SentencingProj) April 20, 2015
[STUDY] Teachers More Harsh On Students w/ "Black-Sounding" Names Than "White-Sounding" Names http://t.co/IpxCCfT3TY pic.twitter.com/1OJkzKzSNp
— Colorlines.com (@Colorlines) April 20, 2015
The fact that families, understandingly so, have to seek justice through systems not set up to protect Black people is fucked up.
— Charlene Carruthers (@CharleneCac) April 20, 2015
Abolition requires us to tear down and create the world we want to see.
— Charlene Carruthers (@CharleneCac) April 20, 2015
And here is the cell phone video of #FreddieGray's arrest. He was alive then. Baltimore.
Graphic. pic.twitter.com/PpAh6nM4DW
— deray mckesson (@deray) April 20, 2015
Shooting a gun into a crowd of people, blowing a girl's brains out is NOT considered "reckless" IF _____ http://t.co/hzOQ5Wv4TZ #RekiaBoyd
— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) April 20, 2015
This is genocide. #RekiaBoyd #DanteServin #Ferguson #MikeBrown #NYPD #WalterScott #EricHarris #EricGarner #chicagopolice
— Derrick Whitley (@derrickwhitley) April 21, 2015
Things never change. 1973 protest of killing of unarmed black kid shot in the back by white cops. #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/zxoUK37Xqd
— Jayel Aheram (@aheram) April 17, 2015
Michael Eric Dyson on Walter Scott and the racial terror that unites black folk across time. http://t.co/c4Fc5jCDK9 pic.twitter.com/R0MWgq9nva
— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) April 17, 2015
white people can literally rock-paper-scissors their way out of being arrested pic.twitter.com/BkJ185NQdX
— blupman (@blippoblappo) April 16, 2015
The Police Killing Video Chicago Has Paid $5 Million for Us Not to See http://t.co/ke7gZyDZc2
— AlterNet (@AlterNet) April 16, 2015
Settlement: Free tuition & job training for victims of Chicago PD torture (& for their children & grandchildren). http://t.co/elxHVCrXoz
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF) April 15, 2015
As part of settlement of Chicago Police Dpt torture case "the case & legacy will be taught to all 8th & 10th graders" http://t.co/elxHVCrXoz
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF) April 15, 2015
"I'm asking you not to be color blind, but to be color brave." – Mellody Hobson http://t.co/0tru2eG1GI #TIME100 pic.twitter.com/XxTdxPeLdH
— TED Talks (@TEDTalks) April 16, 2015
Telling me I'm obsessed with racism is like telling me I'm obsessed with swimming when I'm drowning.
#WalterScott pic.twitter.com/dx6nJCcIFV
— Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) April 9, 2015
.@Rihanna dropped the “American Oxygen” video today http://t.co/fD2GXlr44G pic.twitter.com/EXKVqxzoIY
— Global Grind (@GlobalGrind) April 16, 2015
#FreddieGray was alive. Arrested by the @BaltimorePolice on April 12th. Died today in the hospital.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 19, 2015
Let me know if this make sense to you #FreddieGray pic.twitter.com/nLoGeZZcbZ
— Taurean (@TheBlackVoice) April 19, 2015
Interesting email recieved from retired officer/wagon driver: pic.twitter.com/I4rJTRxxHe
— Justin Fenton (@justin_fenton) April 19, 2015