Dehumanizing treatment of (im)migrants in Trump’s America

Keep this in mind

Keep this in mind











SCOTUS decisions, immigration, and #BeckyWithTheBadGrades

SCOTUS decisions, immigration, and #BeckyWithTheBadGrades

The #SCOTUS deadlock on immigration case affects millions of unauthorized immigrants

— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 23, 2016

Immigration activist Josefina Mora: #SCOTUS DAPA decision "representsthe racism that this country was founded on"

— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) June 24, 2016

Today's front page…
TEARS FOR FEARS: SCOTUS immigration ruling puts millions in limbo

— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) June 24, 2016

SCOTUS decision is a massive blow to mediocre white people coasting on privilege

— (@Salon) June 24, 2016

SCOTUS shuts down the woman who said she got rejected from college because she's white #BeckyWithTheBadGrades

— NowThis(@nowthisnews) June 24, 2016

When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. #beckywiththebadgrades

— Brandon For Bernie (@brandon2479) June 24, 2016

I want #scotus ruling to lead to discussion of how white women benefit from "inclusion"intiativesAND white supremacy #beckywiththebadgrades

— OriginalRudeGyal(@Blackamazon) June 23, 2016

Reactions to Orlando

Reactions to Orlando

Remember Orlando

Remember Orlando

Three @oaklandpoliceca officers under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct

@ShaunKing: N.C. just passed the “most anti-LGBT bill in the country” and it’s disgusting

@ShaunKing: N.C. just passed the “most anti-LGBT bill in the country” and it’s disgusting

NYTimeseditorial: Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry #ncleg #ncpol #HB2

— Eunice Rho (@EuniceACLU) March 25, 2016

Why did North Carolina's anti-LGBT law pass while others failed?

— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) March 25, 2016

Shame on North Carolina for passing an absolutely retrograde bill that destroys protections for LGBT Americans

— NowThis(@nowthisnews) March 24, 2016

North Carolina just re-legalized LGBT discrimination — in and out of the bathroom

— VICE News (@vicenews) March 24, 2016

Heroes face legal fight for opposing the #KKK #Anaheim

Heroes face legal fight for opposing the #KKK #Anaheim