“Asian Privilege”: Racial Stereotyping 101


As the Ferguson crisis continued to roil this week, the Fox News talking head chimed in to deny the existence of “white privilege” in the United States. The implication, of course, was that deeply-rooted, historical patterns of anti-black racism had nothing to do with African American poverty, unemployment, disenfranchisement, and criminalization.


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Source: www.racefiles.com

Why Ferguson Matters to Asian Americans


“For weeks I have been in awe of the organizers and writers – Rev. Osagyefo SekouJamala RogersMalkia CyrilTa-Nehesi Coatesjohn a. powellFalguni A. Sheth, and so many others – who have placed the situation in Ferguson into critical historical and political context. This despite persistent attempts by police, elected officials, and mainstream media to erase that context with vilifications of black political protest and black life. I write this post to express my solidarity and rage, and to offer a response to the disturbing question that I’ve heard asked, and that demands an answer: Does Ferguson matter to Asian Americans?”


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Source: www.racefiles.com

On Yellow Face, Racial Parody, and White Denial


Seattle Times columnist Sharon Pian Chan went after the play [The Mikado] in an editorial on July 13. Chan begins her critique with the following:

“Remember when someone pranked a San Francisco TV station into reporting that the names of the Asiana plane crash pilots were “Captain Sum Ting Wong” and “Wi Tu Lo”?

After the station KTVU realized its mistake, it fired three producers.

But in Seattle, at least one theater plans to spend the summer guffawing about how Asian names sound like gibberish…Set in the fictional Japanese town of Titipu — get it? — [The Mikado] features characters named Nanki Poo, Yum-Yum and Pish-Tush. It’s a rom-com where true love is threatened by barbaric beheadings.

All 40 Japanese characters are being played by white actors, including two Latinos. KIRO radio host Dave Ross is in the cast.

It’s yellowface, in your face.”


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Source: www.racefiles.com


I haven’t seen people of color dressing up like white people and making fun of them.


Congressional Candidate Calls On Fox News Host To Resign Over Racial Slur


A congressional candidate in California is urging Fox News host Bob Beckel to resign after Beckel used a racial slur on air last week.

While discussing a report on Chinese hackers delving into U.S. government records on Thursday’s episode of “The Five,” Beckel began ranting about “Chinamen.”


Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

Asian-Themed Duke University Fraternity Party Ignites Fury


Duke University’s Asian Students Association is outraged that a fraternity opted to throw a party based on Asian stereotypes, complete with geisha hats and all. In an email announcing the triumphant return of Kappa Sigma Asia Prime, the opening exclamation is “Herro Nice Duke Peopre!!” Exactly, horrible.

The Duke Chronicle
 that the party was renamed “International Relations” after someone complained to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. However, the Asian Students Association says that the party (which they called a “racist rager”) went on despite the change of name.
Yesterday morning, Facebook photos of the party were posted around campus in protest, but members of Kappa Sigma removed them. “This is not just about Asians, one party or one frat,” explained senior Ashley Tsai. “This is a consistent thing happening. We want serious things to be done by the student body and the University so that this never happens again.”


Source: www.complex.com

Settlement of Asians in the Deep South (1763 – 1882)

See on Scoop.itCommunity Village World History


Governor Powell Clayton of Arkansas observed:


Undoubtedly the underlying motive for this effort to bring in Chinese laborers was to punish the negro for having abandoned the control of his old master, and to regulate the conditions of employment and the scale of wages to be paid him.”



Community Village‘s insight:


U.S. business leaders always want the lowest cost labor.


When U.S. unions demanded a living wage with reasonable benefits, instead of complying, businesses moved their manufacturing out of the U.S.


Money and manufacturing easily cross borders. However, (im)migration laws make it difficult for people to cross borders.

See on abagond.wordpress.com

ching chong


“Ching chong” (by 1864) is a racist slur used in the English-speaking world to put down people from East Asia by mocking Chinese. Often it comes with other racist acts, like pushing someone off a playground slide – or burying them in a mine shaft.
It is not just ignorant, insensitive schoolchildren who say it. So do grown people in the US in the 2000s and 2010s. For example:”

See on abagond.wordpress.com

Asians in the Library

See on Scoop.itCommunity Village Daily


“Asians in the Library” (2011) is a YouTube video, a three-minute racist rant against Asians made by Alexandra Wallace (pictured), a White American student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). It came right after a tsunami had killed 10,000 people in Japan. Three years later it is still the top suggested completion for “Asians” on Google.

See on abagond.wordpress.com

The model minority myth


Brenda brings another in depth article.


This one covers:


  • What the model minority myth is
  • Flaws of the Model Minority Myth


Community Village‘s insight:


Positive stereotypes are just as problematic as negative stereotypes.

See on communityvillageus.blogspot.com