On Ferguson and the killing of people of color by white police officers:
I am surprised, with all that’s been talked about with this issue for decades, at the language we use to discuss this. I would offer one simple adjustment to our thinking, which would potentially get us to finally address the issue at its source. We have a way of talking about this as in the passive tense rather than the active tense. I heard students at one of my recent visits to a college talk about how “I am in danger because of the color of my skin.” This is not true, you are in danger because of the mindset of the culture and mentality and actions of other people. The burden is not on you. It is on them. You are not being killed (passive tense), people are killing you (active tense). You can’t stop the passive tense, you can only stop the active tense. Stop the killing—then people will stop being killed.
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Source: damaliayotalks.tumblr.com
My take differs from Ayo’s take
On “black•ish” (the TV Show):
I had reservations about this show and I was not overly impressed with the first episode. The writers did an okay job, good enough to give them more air time though. I didn’t feel the problem was a twisting of identities. The show is about mixed identity and that’s what makes it interesting.
On movies about painful parts of Back History:
I totally feel Ayo on her point here. I can relate because I can’t stand watching videos of people getting hurt. I also don’t like horror movies. And because I’m aware of people’s sensitive feelings and that painful news can trigger remembering other painful events, I try to limit painful news and painful history on my personal Facebook page. However, because it’s important to know the truth of current events and history I do post about painful news and history on some of my social media. I segment what I post. I put oppressive stuff on my Oppression Monitor social sites and more positive or neutral posts on my Community Village social sites.
On “Dear White People” and Movies like it:
I thought I was not going to love this movie based on some of the previews I saw. However, the acting, directing, cinematography, lighting, hair, wardrobe and story as a whole were all excellent! And it’s a good movie to open discussions on fraternity segregation compared to housing segregation. Fraternities like to be grouped by common interests, whereas segregated housing off campus is highly problematic. This movie could also prompt great blog posts about interracial dating, interracial marriage, identity framing, society response to interracial dating / marriage and family response to interracial dating / marriage.
On “How to Get Away with Murder” and the “make-up and wig moment”:
I completely agree with Ayo. This scene was genius.
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