Humanize Palestine

“Humanize Palestine attempts to restore the humanity that is often stripped away when Palestinians are reduced to calculative deaths, forgettable names, and burned and mutilated bodies, rather than people who shared loved ones, stories, dreams and aspirations.”


See on Scoop.itImages as Resistance

Community Village Coffee Mug set


Screen Shot 2015-01-19 at 1.06.10 AM

Set of mugs from the Community Village websites, including Mixed American Life, 500 Nations, and Oppression Monitor.



Buy a set of all four Community Village mugs from my



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Must see Tweets 1.17 #BlackLivesMatter

Must see tweets 1.15 #BlackLivesMatter #Oscars #SFBart

#BlackLivesMatter protest shuts down Massachusetts highway

#BlackLivesMatter protest shuts down Massachusetts highway

Retaliation Against Cop For Reporting Police Brutality


Because of numerous reports of police brutality and use of excessive force, many have asked why the good cops do not report the bad  ones.


I no longer need to address that in the comment section of this blog.


Now former Baltimore police detective Joe Crystal tells his story in the following video. Joe has sued both the Baltimore Police Department and the police commissioner for not protecting him from retaliation.


– Click through for [VIDEO] –


Must see Tweets 1.13 #MLK2015 #MLK15 #Nigeria2000 #FreeNicoll


The Colonialism of the Present


Scholar and activist Glen Coulthard on the connection between indigenous and anticapitalist struggles.

Demonstrations against the police murders of Eric Garner and Mike Brown in recent months have adopted tactics that, to me at least, seem reminiscent of some indigenous practices in Canada: the seizing and blocking, if only temporarily, of major public infrastructure, for instance.Do you see connections in these struggles?

The blocking tactic, the impeding of critical infrastructure and flows of capital through that tactic is an important one, but more so, I think the expressions of anger and outrage and resentment towards a state that is profoundly violent, colonial and racist is really where I see the relationship.


– Click through for more –




Powerful article.





‘Selma’s Missing Epilogue: The Recent Dissolution Of The Voting Rights Act

The final scenes of the 2014 film Selma, which depicts Martin Luther King Jr.’s struggle for federal voting rights legislation to protect African Americans in the South, leave viewers applauding, content with our nation’s civil rights progress after witnessing a concrete example of how a protest effected meaningful national change. But what the movie doesn’t provide is an update — a scene that flashes forward almost 50 years to show how the exact rights granted to blacks who marched across Alabama in demonstration have recently been eroded by our highest court and then by states across the country.

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Do you think we will every be able to vote from home to avoid all this voter ID mess and votes getting thrown out because someone has the same name? 

From New York To California, Protesters Across the US Demand Justice on New Year’s Eve [VIDEOS & VINES]


Protesters from the East to West coasts of the US ushered in the New Year with ‘Black Lives Matter’ marches against police brutality. In St Louis demonstrators tried to take over a police station, demanding that the “occupiers” be “removed from power.”

– Click through for more [VIDEOS & VINES] –



