13 Cops Dispatched to Arrest One 15-year-old Girl, Because a Cop ‘Smelled Weed’

“I looked down like this and saw their red light right here on my baby’s back. They told me to get back or they’ll shoot.” Residents of the Countryside mobile home park in Fargo, ND have expressed concerns over racial profiling and police misconduct for some time. A recent cellphone video has captured a brutal…

Source: thefreethoughtproject.com

Last speaker of Native Californian Wukchumni Language


Wukchumni is both a Native Californian language and people. They are of the Yokuts tribe residing on the Tule River Reservation.


The Tule River Reservation was established in 1873 by a US Executive Order in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is south of Fresno and north of Bakersfield. It occupies 55,356 acres. -Wikipedia


“This short documentary profiles the last fluent speaker of Wukchumni, a Native American language, and her creation of a comprehensive dictionary.” -NY Times


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Source: 500nations.us

NewsOne Exclusive: Michael Brown’s Mother Visits Location Where Her Son Was Murdered [VIDEO]


While an anonymous group lay red roses where Michael Brown was killed in front of the Canfield Green apartments in Ferguson, his mother Lesley McSpadden showed up; spotted walking through the neighborhood to the impromptu vigil surrounded by residents and journalists. This, as a grand jury weighs evidence on whether to charge Darren Wilson in the case.


Source: newsone.com

Black Angst: Outside The Quite Visible Black Backpack


A professor at Seattle Pacific University recently told me that she requires her students to read Peggy McIntosh’s essay, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.

educating students cannot simply stop with an acknowledgment about the unearned advantages that Whites have, but educators must also provide a narrative from  the opposite viewpoint and a history about what had to happen in order to allow for hierarchies and such privileges. -Angela Tucker

“My schooling gave me no training in seeing myself as an oppressor, as an unfairly advantaged person, or as a participant in a damaged culture.I was taught to see myself as an individual whose moral state depended on her individual moral will.” -Ms. McIntosh
Ordinary privileges cannot be had for Blacks, without a fight as this country is founded upon a widespread enslavement and systemic genocidal dispossession of my entire race. -Angela Tucker

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Source: theadoptedlife.com

Bob McCulloch


Bob McCulloch (c. 1952- ), an American lawyer, has been the county prosecutor for St Louis County, Missouri since 1991. St Louis County is a suburban county just west of the city of St Louis.

On August 20th 2014
 McCulloch began presenting the Michael Brown shooting case to a grand jury. Michael Brown, an unarmed Black teenager, was shot dead in Ferguson, Missouri by Darren Wilson, a White police officer.

The grand jury
 will determine what crime, if any, Wilson should be charged with. It will only hear what McCulloch presents.

McCulloch seems to side with Officer Wilson, the killer:

  1. He had plenty of evidence to charge Wilson without a grand jury, yet did not.
  2. When Wilson’s name was made public, he also made public a video of alleged shoplifting by Brown.
  3. He will allow Wilson to speak before the grand jury. That is rare since prosecutors generally try to make the best case for bringing a charge.

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Source: abagond.wordpress.com