#Muslim Teen Who Was Hit And Smeared As 'ISIS' Wasn’t Protected By School, Mom Says – https://t.co/0Y0WXuSNKw
— DcSlumdog (@DcSlumdog) October 5, 2019
It is 2019 and this is still not a settled legal matter. Don’t you EVER try to persuade LGBT people that we’re overreaching. https://t.co/YHMa73855Q
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) October 5, 2019
“You guys part of the new fare evasion crackdown?”
“Yep.” pic.twitter.com/dH8AL7zSkC
— Jake Offenhartz (@jangelooff) October 10, 2019
you gotta love capitalism where the government “can’t afford” to offer $2 transit rides for free but can afford to pay 3 cops to stand there https://t.co/pptgZNpVMp
— connor 🌹 (@alsoconnor) October 11, 2019
The countries with the highest child poverty rate (GDP as % of global GDP):
🇹🇷 25.3% (1.24%)
🇮🇱 23.7% (0.6%)
🇪🇸 22.0% (2.3%)
🇨🇱 21.5% (0.5%)
🇺🇸 21.2% (24%)It’s sad and cruel for any child to live in poverty — especially in a country with as much wealth as the United States.
— Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) October 11, 2019