We need #MedicareForAll.
It's absurd that we spend so much on healthcare for so little. Every other major country has done this. It's not rocket science. https://t.co/ZyfgvbelpO
— Shaun King (@shaunking) August 14, 2018
There are currently thousands of prisoners fighting wildfires in California for pay of $2/day and $1 extra for every hour spent on an active fire line. These firefighters are barred from working in civilian fire departments after release from prison due to criminal records.
— Sister Helen Prejean (@helenprejean) August 8, 2018
The Homestead Acts gave 10% of all the land in the US to white people *for free.* Racist employers and laws kept most black people from participating. Today 1 in 4 white people owe part of their wealth to this program, the largest handout in history. https://t.co/K1LHL4Ajm4 https://t.co/Nuzk99WUnS
— Samuel Sinyangwe (@samswey) August 7, 2018
Also important to note that the Homestead Acts were passed after the US military removed Native Americans from this land and forcibly moved them West. And then they gave this land away to white people for the price of an application fee.
— Samuel Sinyangwe (@samswey) August 7, 2018
This is a clear example of the racist, classist and anti-democratic practices of white political figures to deny the black vote. We must all raise our voices and decry this horrible planned action! @itsgabrielleu @cthagod @johnlegend @shaunking @common https://t.co/xHxAB0pKBZ
— Michael Eric Dyson (@MichaelEDyson) August 16, 2018
Let me be clear: class warfare goes on in the United States right now. The richer are getting much richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is disappearing. https://t.co/3gbSH1nq3i
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) August 14, 2018