Criminalizing the Classroom: Inside the School-to-Prison Pipeline



New York City has more than 5,000 police officers patrolling the city’s schools—that’s more than the combined number of school guidance counselors and social…

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What you see in the screen grab of the video is a special needs Latino child who has been handcuffed on the biceps because the handcuffs were too loose for his wrists. A Black special needs student was also handcuffed.


American – stop this – seriously – stop.

The One Student Who Spoke Up Against the Cop Attacking a School Girl, Was Arrested For It

Everyone is asking, ‘Why didn’t anyone speak up with the cop attacked a student?’ Someone did, and she was arrested for it.

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The teacher who requested an officer either has a low IQ, or has malicious intent. How can a teacher not know that when an officer confronts a Black person it rarely goes well. That teacher needs to be shut down and out of a job. This has to stop. All the abuse, all the disrespect, all the terror – it all needs to stop – now.

#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh Tweets 10.28

#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh Tweets 10.28

#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh Tweets 10.27

BREAKING: Dashcam Video Just Released Shows Cop Murder Zachary Hammond

Tuesday, the much-awaited dashcam footage was finally released and it shows that the officer was indeed not in danger as he murdered Hammond.

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#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.26

Cop Who Killed Peaceful Unarmed Man as He Tried to Open His Door, Won’t Be Charged

Derek Cruice was a kind and loving young man who was murdered in cold blood by state agents because he allegedly sold a plant that is legal in five states.

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