"The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time." The great Irish poet William Butler Yeats, birthday today.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) June 14, 2015
Report: Police shot Tamir Rice in less than 2 seconds, yet take nearly 4 minutes to call paramedics. So quick to kill, so slow to aid.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) June 14, 2015
Even if police thought Tamir Rice had a real gun, Ohio is an open carry state.Tamir, alone in park, violated no law. pic.twitter.com/LtuWfLPXb6
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) June 14, 2015
We know less about CharlieManson’s prior ‘mistakes’ in life
than Tamir Rice: MSM tries to justify his Murder https://t.co/KkcD9sSjKE
— Njean Curl (@Njeanous) June 15, 2015
Claims that cop who shot Tamir Rice shouted a warning to the 12 year old, are unsubstantiated. http://bit.lyTkWL pic.twitter.com/rvCjUnKNOB
— The Root (@TheRoot) June 14, 2015