Families of missing Mexican students travel U.S. to find support for justice

EL PASO — Blanca Luz Nava Vélez gripped the tissue with both hands as if it were about to float away from the tears forming in her eyes as she forced herself to speak through the shake in her voice to say that even if the world were to end she will find her missing


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Source: borderzine.com

The Late Show Video – Dr. Cornel West Interview, Part 1 – David Letterman

The author of “Black Prophetic Fire” talks about the civil rights movement, President Obama and more.

Source: www.cbs.com


Dr. West, the master of speaking truth to power and the master of oratory that gets straight to the heart of deep and pressing matters.


Mom Asks Cops to Teach Her Child a Lesson on Stealing, Cops Assault, Arrest Her, Took Her Kids

This mother’s creative way to teach her kids not to steal turned into a months-long nightmare for her and her children after a racist thug in a uniform showed up.

Source: thefreethoughtproject.com


Do not ask police officers for any help. Police officers always introduce a gun into the situation.


#BlackLivesMatter Every Day | Best Tweets 3.14

#BlackLivesMatter Every Day | Best Tweets 3.14