KKK calls for ‘shoot to kill’ policy against undocumented immigrants [VIDEO]

Hate group voices concern and anger over the growing number of migrants illegally crossing into the United States

Source: america.aljazeera.com


These KKK people are real. It only takes a couple bad apples to cause massive harm. And there are others who think like them but don’t wear the hood.


The Southern Poverty Law Center keeps track of how many hate groups there are in the U.S. – it’s a lot.


NYPD Drag Naked Woman From Apartment, Leave Her Passed Out On The Floor


Denise Stewart, 48, who suffers with severe asthma, screamed “I can’t breathe” as she struggled to get away from police officers who held her against a wall after pulling her from her apartment on July 13.

The incident is all captured on video.

According to the Daily News, officers said they were called to the building to respond to a possible domestic violence dispute.  Stewart’s lawyer claims the 911 call came from an apartment on another floor


Source: thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com

U.N. Says ‘Evidence’ Points to Israel in Gaza School Attack


UNITED NATIONSSecretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday that “all available evidence” suggested that Israeli artillery had hit a United Nations school in Gaza full of civilians who thought they were in a safe zone.

“Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children,” the secretary general told reporters…

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Source: www.nytimes.com

Why Did Police Arrest This Man In Front of His Kids at Eric Garner’s Funeral? [VIDEO]


After the funeral, as Kirkpatrick, Bryant and his children were leaving the church, they were approached by a group of plainclothes cops. Kirkpatrick says he was asked, “Is that your cousin, Calvin Bryant?” When he confirmed Bryant’s identity, he says, police followed them down the block and arrested Bryant.

In addition to an outstanding bench warrant, Bryant was charged with resisting arrest. According to the arrest document, “The defendant did resist a lawful arrest by flailing the defendant’s arms and pushing the deponent while the deponent attempted to place the defendant in handcuffs.”

Bryant and Kirkpatrick vehemently deny that accusation. “I didn’t resist arrest,” Bryant says. “I didn’t have time. I was holding my kids’ hands so I wouldn’t have been able to throw my hands up.”

What Bryant and his lawyers do find troubling is the time and place of an arrest that could have been made somewhere else, and at any other time.

“Why on earth choose this moment?” asks Scott Hechinger, one of the lawyers working on Bryant’s case. “There’s about a million other ways to arrest this guy. Get him at his house the day before, the day after, any time over the last four years. Why choose the funeral service—the service that they caused—to inflame tensions? The timing just makes you wonder: Is this to make a statement?


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Source: www.vice.com

BREAKING: Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner’s Death A Homicide


A New York medical examiner has concluded what many suspected after watching video of Eric Garner’s fatal police encounter: The Staten Island man died as the result of an illegal police chokehold. NBC’s New York affiliate has the story:


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Source: thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com

Do Heat-Sensitive Inmates Have A Right To Air Conditioning?

Jails and prisons without air conditioning can be uncomfortable for both prisoners and guards. But for inmates with health conditions that make them heat-sensitive, hot cells can pose serious risks.

Source: www.npr.org

Why I Support Marijuana Legalization, But Not as a Strategy for Winning Racial Justice


But, while I support legalization as an incremental step in the right direction, I think we are wrong to promote legalization as a means of achieving racial justice. Making that claim minimizes the very real problem of structural racism that has made the war on drugs such a hugely devastating law enforcement strategy for Black people.

The legalization of marijuana, in my opinion, would not lead to less over-policing, racial profiling, or over-incarceration of Black and brown people. What relief legalization would provide, and I do believe there would be some immediate relief, would be mostly temporary.

Why? The New York Times report on reader response to their legalization editorials sums it up nicely,

Times readers favor legalization for the same reasons the Times editorial board does: They think the criminalization of marijuana has ruined lives; that the public health risks have been overstated; and that law enforcement should focus its resources on graver problems.

Those “graver problems” bother me. They bother me because the illegal drug trade is as much an economic issue as it is public health issue. My experience growing up in a drug economy tells me that folk turn to illegal means of making money when legal jobs aren’t available. And decent paying legal jobs have rarely been harder to find than right now.

As a sociologist friend of mine recently reminded me, prison is a form of disguised unemployment. That’s part of the reason programs meant to reduce recidivism so often don’t work. Without a job, people are often forced to commit crimes, like selling marijuana. Once convicted of that crime, a criminal record can make you unemployable. Those who’ve been to prison too often end up back in prison, and keeping them there is a way of managing unemployment, even if this effect is, perhaps, mostly incidental.

If we added incarcerated Black people to the unemployment rolls, Black unemployment statistics would be noticeably higher (and it’s already twice that of whites). This would more accurately reflect the status of Black people in the U.S. labor market. Large numbers of poor Black people have been structurally excluded from the legitimate economy, ironically in part because Black people as a class won the right to ordinary worker protections nationwide via the Civil Rights Movement. This made other excluded workers, like undocumented migrants, cheaper, more compliant, and, following the logic of the market, more desirable.”


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Source: www.racefiles.com

War in Gaza: Operation Protective Edge (2014)

Operation Protective Edge
 (2014) is the current military operation the Israeli government is carrying out against Gaza, the third in the last six years. It began on July 8th.

To review:

  • 2008-09: Operation Cast Lead: killed 1,417 Gazans, 13 Israelis.
  • 2012: Operation Pillar of Defence: killed 150 to 233 Gazans, 6 Israelis.
  • 2014-: Operation Protective Edge: killed, so far, about 1,460 Gazans (mostly civilians), 63 Israelis (nearly all soldiers). Over 250,000 Gazans have fled their homes.

Meanwhile, since 2006 Gaza has been under siege by Israel. It is almost completely cut off from the outside world. That is itself an act of war, making Operation Protective Edge merely the latest stage of a long Gazan War. Some call it a genocide.


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Source: abagond.wordpress.com