Video: Yasiin Bey Force Fed Under Standard Guantánamo Bay Procedure


Yasiin Bey—also known as Mos Def—is cur­rently work­ing with dir­ector Asif Kapa­dia and Human Rights organ­iz­a­tion Reprieve on a reveal­ing pro­ject that deb­uted this morn­ing. In the clip, Yassin par­ti­cip­ates in the stand­ard force-feeding pro­ced­ure con­duc­ted for detain­ees at Guantá­namo Bay. s Ramadan begins, more than 100 hunger-strikers in Guantá­namo Bay con­tinue their protest. More than 40 of them are exper­i­en­cing this procedure.”



Community Village‘s insight:


I had my stomach pumped out like this, minus the chains. It was painful.


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Principal Fired For Trying To Keep Students From Speaking Spanish


“A principal who allegedly prohibited students from speaking Spanish will lose her job, the Texas press reports.


Administrators voted Monday night to discontinue a job contract for Amy Lacey, principal of Hempstead Middle School, who had been on paid administrative leave since December after reportedly using the intercom to tell students that speaking Spanish is forbidden on school grounds.


“When you start banning aspects of ethnicity or cultural identity, it sends the message that the child is not wanted,” Augstin Pinedo, director of the League of United Latin American Citizens Region 18 told the Houston Chronicle. ”

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Foreign workers’ spouses often stuck in limbo

They are part of a sisterhood of sorts — spouses of software engineers and computer programmers. Many of them hold multiple advanced degrees but are not legally permitted to work in the U.S.


Community Village‘s insight:


Freedom and Liberty – for some.

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Why crime statistics cannot be trusted – in two charts

AKA: Racism is not dead – in two charts: Black Americans use marijuana a bit more than Whites: Yet are way more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession: Also notice that the rise in arrest r…

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Chick-fil-A CEO now regrets dragging the company into anti-equality morass


“So does that mean he’s had a change of heart, and in his new maturity has grown to accept that marriage equality is not, in fact, the doom of America? No. He just regrets saying it out loud, because money.”


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Justice for Jonathan Mitchell


“In Albuquerque, NM, on a dark night in a quiet neighborhood, 23 year-old Iraq War Veteran Jonathan Mitchell was shot and killed in March 2013.  He was killed by Donnie Pearson.  Pearson has not been arrested due to a claim of self-defense.

There is a petition on for the arrest of Donnie Pearson.  Click here to sign.”

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What They’re Saying When They Talk About Us


“From January 1 through June 30 of 2013 (26 weeks) ChangeLab, an Asian American-led racial justice laboratory and the publisher of this blog, conducted a study of what are known as the Sunday political shows in order to learn what they’re saying about Asian Americans. The study focused on what are known as the Big Five Sunday shows: Face the Nation (CBS), Fox News Sunday (Fox), Meet the Press (NBC), State of the Union (CNN), and This Week With George Stephanopoulos (ABC).


In addition, we also studied two MSNBC political talk programs, Melissa Harris Perry and Up with Chris Hayes/Steve Kornacki. Both follow the general format of the Big Five, but run two-hours each on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and serve a somewhat different market, both in terms of size and demographics. For these reasons, we’ll report on them separately.


Those MSNBC shows do a lot more talking about Asians and race in general than the Big Five. But what they have to say is often neither very flattering nor credible”

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MSNBC is Doing Asian Americans No Favors


“When it comes to racial diversity among the Sunday political talk shows, MSNBC is the undisputed leader. In two studies conducted by ChangeLab(January-June 2012, and January-June 2013), MSNBC’s anchor weekend talk programs, Up with Chris Hayes/Steve Kornacki and Melissa Harris Perryincluded more guests of color and hosted more discussion of issues of race than all of the other networks offering similar programming combined. The difference is not just in quantity but in the depth and quality of the discourse. Now, mind you, the standard established by the major networks is set pretty low, but they do at least exceed it.”




Community Village‘s insight:


Ignoring groups and spreading misinformation about them is a form of oppression.


And the continually message that some groups are better than others is also a form of oppression.

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