Police union targets black officer for vocal critique of racism in the department


sleepily Williams, who works in the Richmond district, said because of the union’s letter she feels unsafe on patrol. She also wonders whether her fellow officers will support her on the street if her life is in jeopardy.


“It leaves me with a sense of uneasiness to the point that I am wondering how safe of an environment I might be in and if, when I call for backup, how fast will backup come.”


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.sfexaminer.com

Why I Cried Today


Last night was surreal. I tweeted about it seconds after it happened, when I was back safely inside my home. I can’t say as I felt that my life was threatened, but I was made to feel startled, scared, upset, like I was a criminal, and totally creeped out.
Right now, I don’t feel particularly safe in my own home.

Why do I live in a world where I have to feel a sense of relief that I wasn’t shot dead, or assaulted or beaten or sexually assaulted? –

Feelings that interfere with the feelings about being pretty much stalked by a police officer.


– Click through for whole story –


Source: awakeblackwoman.wordpress.com