Police in Texas Hospital Shoot Patient in the Chest


Christian Alexander Pean, a fourth-year medical student in New York City, had been anxiously texting his father in Houston throughout the morning to inquire about his younger brother, Alan Christopher Pean, a patient at St. Joseph Medical Center in Texas. The night before, on August 26, Alan had called his parents to tell them he was in the middle of a panic attack.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.truth-out.org

Texas Officer Shoots, Kills Mentally Ill Man Holding a Spoon

http://vbrisket.com/vbrisket-party-at-vmworld-picture-recap/ Texarkana, Texas – In what has become an all too common occurrence, a mentally ill man, Dennis Grigsby, 35, was killed by Texarkana police after responding to a burglary call.

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Source: thefreethoughtproject.com