Republicans attempt to connect with Latino, Chinese, and Vietnamese Americans – but leave out Black, Native American, Indian Americans, and more


Santana do Ipanema Republicans are attempting to reach out to people of color on their YouTube channel called “House Republicans”.

Look at the sentiment that people have for the video about respect for Chinese verses the video about respect for Hispanics, highlighted at the bottom right of each screen shot. (Screen shots taken on 8/24/2014)

To be fair, we can’t be sure if people are voting for the production quality of each video, the words chosen for each video, the people in the video, or the people that the video is about.

However, I was shocked by how many thumbs down are on the video about Hispanic Heritage month.


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History Repeats Itself, First As Tragedy, Second As Farce: The GOP Shuts Down The Government

Editorial By: Alan Curtis Montgomery @ World Human Rights Lets just come out and say it without the fake bipartisan mantra that both parties are to blame for the shutdown, the GOP has held our syst…


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