Race Relations In Your City, Community?



Share Your Views About Race Relations In Your Community

Please take the time to share your views about the state of race relations in your community, your city.
Go to USAonRace.com’s Race Relations In Your Community feedback form. Encourage others to join the conversation.


Source: www.usaonrace.com

White Privilege – explained another way

Two pictures of racial tensions in the US, taken 50 years apart.

The challenge with white privilege is that most white people cannot see it. We assume that the experiences and opportunities afforded to us are the same afforded to others. Sadly, this simply isn’t true. Privileged people can fall into the trap of universalizing experiences and laying them across other people’s experiences as an interpretive lens…



Source: manofdepravity.com

The Baldwin-Kennedy meeting

The Baldwin-Kennedy meeting (May 24th 1963) was when Robert Kennedy met James Baldwin to talk at length about race in America. Dramatis Personae: Robert Kennedy – president’s brother, Attorney Gene…



This account is telling of current race relations in the U.S.

The oppressors still don’t get it and they think they are not oppressing.



See on abagond.wordpress.com