How Income Inequality Might Lead Students to Drop Out of High School



In states like Louisiana with large gaps between the the poorest households and middle earners, students are less likely to graduate high school.


While a little bit of inequality might motivate some students to study harder, a lot of it might kill their motivation entirely.





Also, has the child been encouraged? Has the child been told the importance of an education in today’s U.S. economy?


Do the teacher’s tell the children that they have potential?


And is there a class that explains in detail the importance of college? If the children know how important college is, then they would be more likely to finish high school


How Charter Schools and Testing Regimes Have Helped Re-Segregate Our Schools

See on Scoop.itCommunity Village Daily


“In  order clomid online with mastercard Brown, Chief Justice Warren wrote: “To separate [children] from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone.” Yes, and separating children by race or class or test scores into pseudo-private charter schools is affecting not only those students but our communities and our nation in the very ways we once tried to undo.”

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