Western values


blithely Western values (fl. 1946- ) are those moral ideas that many in the West say they value most, like freedom and democracy.
The English word “ http://thehistoryhacker.com/2011/11/ values” only goes back to  1918. It comes from a sociological model of how society works.
The phrase “Western values” did not catch on till the late 1940s during the Cold War. The US opposed the Soviet Union and world communism. So it played up the values that set it apart from communism, like capitalism, democracy and human rights of a particular sort (freedom of speech and religion, say, rather than equality). Men will not die for rubber, tin and oil, but they will die for “freedom” and “democracy”.


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Source: abagond.wordpress.com


Another on point article by Abagond.


Toward a Truly Multiracial Democracy


Note: This is another in my continuing series on Possible Racial Futures for the US. This one is based on the last chapter of “The White Racial Frame” (2010) by Joe R. Feagin, a White American sociologist.

The US is capable of becoming less racist and more democratic
, as shown by Reconstruction in the 1800s, which freed slaves and made them citizens, and Civil Rights reforms in the 1900s, which overthrew Jim Crow.

 both Reconstruction and Civil Rights were later seriously weakened because they left two things in place:

  1. Ideological: The white racial frame (white racism).
  2. Economic: Huge racial inequalities in wealth, income and education.

Therefore you need:

  1. Ideological: The liberty-and-justice frame of the Founding Fathers along with an understanding of stereotyping and institutional racism.
  2. Economic: Reparations, especially for Black and Native Americans.


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Source: abagond.wordpress.com

The Inherent Contradiction Between the “Constitution” and “Democracy,” More on the Hobby Lobby Decision


There is a deep on-going, yet unstated conflict in our nation. Upholding both the Constitution and Democracy are impossible tasks unless one has a fully homogenous nation or fully educated/open-minded/not greedy citizens.
Of course, when the nation was created, Democracy only applied to rich White cis-Men, and the Constitution was written by and for rich White cis-Men. As said from a Critical Race Theory point-of-view, this has created an on-going White-centric legacy that has infiltrated all of the nation’s laws and institutions – institutionalized racism – racism that affects and hurts all individuals but functions from a White-is-default framework.


Click through to read more.


Source: andrewpegoda.com

Princeton Scientific Study: America is No Longer a Democracy; It’s Now an Oligarchy


“A scientific study done at Princeton University indicates that the United States is no longer a Democracy. The country has now morphed into an Oligarchy.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Has the U.S. every been ruled by ‘the people’?


The U.S. has never been a democracy. The U.S. is a republic with democratic ideals.


Dr. Cornel West has been saying that the U.S. is a plutocracy and an oligarchy ever since I started listening to him on Smiley & West.


See on thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com