#BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName Tweets 11.9

#BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName Tweets 11.9

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.27

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.27

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.24

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.24

#SandraBland #SayHerName Tweets 7.22

#SandraBland #SayHerName Tweets 7.22

#SandraBland Tweets 7.18

#SandraBland Tweets 7.18

#SandraBland #SayHerName Tweets 7.16

#SandraBland #SayHerName Tweets 7.16

Delegation Of Grieving Mothers Tells Congress What It’s Like To Lose A Son due to Police Brutality & Excessive Force

On Wednesday, a group of nine African American women, called the Delegation of Grieving Mothers, went before the House Judiciary committee to discuss what it meant to lose their sons to violence at the hands of police.

Tressa Sherrod, mother of John Crawford; Wanda Johnson, mother of Oscar Grant; Valerie Bell, mother of Sean Bell and a number of other mothers who have experienced the impact of police brutality and the use excessive force were also in attendance.

Source: thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com






An Executive Got Mistaken For Kitchen Help. But Instead Of Getting Angry, She Turned It Into This.


“People shouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin, right? For most of us, that’s Martin Luther King 101. So maybe the solution to racism is to forget race exists. Forget color. But this video might make you think differently. Investment executive Mellody Hobson starts off by talking about an embarrassing moment. She suggests a really compelling thought experiment at 4:16, and at 9:04, she tells us why diversity’s good for business.”

See on www.upworthy.com

What I Learned From Tweeting With A Black Woman’s Avatar For #RaceSwapExp


“3. The level of hateful tweets went from zero to off the charts. With many of these trolls, I would respond once and then block them, or just block them. One such troll, @vincentBrook666, tweeted the following to me in all caps.”



Liaocheng Community Village‘s insight:

See on thoughtcatalog.com