What white-supremacist tattoos on PBS say about the media’s failures to cover racism


by aboriginalpress


[PBS adds editor’s note to address controversial tattoos of Trump-supporting North Carolina subject]

In an edited but in-their-own-voices-style report on a family of North Carolina Donald Trump supporters, the NewsHour aired an interview with one Grace Tilly. Tilly, a 33-year-old white woman who told producers that the Trump campaign has compelled her for the first time in her life to vote, is also a Trump campaign volunteer. (A video of the NewsHour segment in question can be found here. Click to view it.)

That, no matter one’s personal political views, is fundamentally important to process and understand. That’s arguably pretty darn interesting too. After all, white voters like Tilly have participated in presidential elections with steadily decreasing frequency since  2006.

What white-supremacist tattoos on PBS say about the media’s failures to cover racism – The Washington Post

Sourced through Scoop.it from: aboriginalwriter.wordpress.com

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