#YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence

After the deadly Isla Vista rampage by an alienated young man who used social media to announce his plans to kill, social media struck back — with the hashtag #YesAllWomen .

See on www.latimes.com

Mentally ill Florida prisoner scalded to death.


“An inmate in Florida’s Miami-Dade County, Darren Rainey, was locked inside a shower and burned to death while other inmates heard him desperately crying out for help. Inspectors have ruled that the death was an accident, but some are questioning whether or not this is just a cover-up.


Apparently this isn’t the first time recently that an inmate has died under highly unusual circumstances in a Miami-Dade County prison. ”


See on ushypocrisy.com


Apparently the mentally ill in the U.S. are not given help, but instead incarcerated, tortured and killed.


White On White Crime


“The conservatives have labeled crimes that occur in the Black community as “Black on Black Crime”. I am of the belief that crime occur where people live to include crimes such as murder; people kill where they live. I am in no way condoning or sanctioning this behavior in either community.”

See on thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com

ching chong


can you buy disulfiram over the counter in uk “Ching chong” (by 1864) is a racist slur used in the English-speaking world to put down people from East Asia by mocking Chinese. Often it comes with other racist acts, like pushing someone off a playground slide – or burying them in a mine shaft.
Dom Pedro It is not just ignorant, insensitive schoolchildren who say it. So do grown people in the US in the 2000s and 2010s. For example:”

See on abagond.wordpress.com

Sheriff’s Deputy in Virginia Shoots 50 Year-old Man in the Back… On His Birthday!


“Without any provocation, a deputy officer of the Isle of Wight, Virginia Sheriff’s Department shot a man in the back with a taser, causing him to lose consciousness and fall abruptly to the pavement…”


Click through for VIDEO

See on ushypocrisy.com

Utah Man Facing Hate Crime Charges Says Threatening Black Child Was ‘Just My Opinion’


“A Utah man is now facing federal hate crime charges for threatening to kill a black child of a neighboring Caucasian couple. Robert Keller, a 70-year-old resident of Hurricane, wrote to the family to say he would kill the boy if the child remained in his neighborhood.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Click through for the whole article.

See on splcenter.org

An Executive Got Mistaken For Kitchen Help. But Instead Of Getting Angry, She Turned It Into This.


“People shouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin, right? For most of us, that’s Martin Luther King 101. So maybe the solution to racism is to forget race exists. Forget color. But this video might make you think differently. Investment executive Mellody Hobson starts off by talking about an embarrassing moment. She suggests a really compelling thought experiment at 4:16, and at 9:04, she tells us why diversity’s good for business.”

See on www.upworthy.com

A Comic Points Out The Absurdity Of A Famous Fantasy Film For Not Including A Certain Kind Of Actor

The reality of Hollywood can be hilariously unreal when it comes to fantasy movies.


Community Village‘s insight:


Hollywood does a lot of work in maintaining segregation and inequity. When they do not include people of color, they are keeping the jobs and the money from people of color.


Their movies often do not reflect the real mixture of races in today’s United States.

See on www.upworthy.com